Playing chapter 3 of this game made me a wanted criminal in multiple countries. Fukawa is kinda cute tho

This game is not only an emotional send off to Solid Snake and his legacy, but also a masterfully crafted cinematic and interactive experience. Kojima manages to reference every step of the journey thus far while also presenting a compelling new conflict that pushes Snake forward at all times. The game innovates with new ways to dispatch enemies, different gameplay segments to provide a break from sneaking, and bold new mechanics, for better or for worse. As is tradition with the series, completing the game provides rankings and rewards that kept me coming back to change my approach on how I would clear the game. While the game is not perfect, Kojima as always pushed the power of the hardware and let his imagination run wild, and in return we received a great addition to the Metal Gear Series.

funny falling beans go wooooo

It was a visual novel so it wasn't too interesting. However it did have some interesting gameplay breaks like logic dive, unlike other visual novels that revolve around solving a crime in a courtroom using limited evidence gathered prior.