6 reviews liked by SecretShinobi

too afraid to pick it back up tbh



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Fuck therapy, this game gets out rage better than anything else I've ever done. The challenge level ramps up so goddamn perfectly that you always feel in control of the situation, even if the odds seem unlikely. The graphics are gritty, and the soundtrack ties it all together perfectly. This is instantly a yearly replay for me.



8,5/10 - Length
8,5/10 - Enjoyment
8,5/10 - Perfomance/Bugs
8,0/10 - Story/Experience
8,5/10 - Gameplay

Score = 8,4/10



An incredible game.
One fault I have with it is that the hardest difficulty is gated behind finishing the game, as even in the hardest difficulty available from the start I didn't felt like it was challenging enough.

- A stand alone game/mod for STALKER so the base games aren't required
- All the maps from the 3 games are present jammed into one,
- You can play as other different factions as well. Monolith, Duty etc
-You can customize your own experience before you start or in the settings to have the gameplay you want

- Playing the Trilogy is somehow err.. required in order to get the grasp of how STALKER is played, Oh and since it uses the same maps you can get familiar right away

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Gamma is just peak gaming.