My personal game of the 2020’s so far, I love this game with all my heart

Tartarus is way better and more interactive, the story still works emotionally even though I know what happens years after playing Portable, and the new VA cast does a fantastic job with what they we’re given

They took what was considered my favorite Persona narrative and gave it a visual overhaul to look like P5, it works in a lot of ways but fails in some in terms of charm, but that charm is almost impossible to replicate. Obviously there are some things that could be better but all my complaints are extremely nitpicks and not really worth digesting more paragraphs about.

I’d still say play P5R first but when you do eventually finish that, go immediately play this game, it’s well worth $70

Very fun. Not one of my go to multiplayer games, and it’s kinda hard to find a reason to play without friends alongside but I’d be lying if throwing orbital strikes at your friends isn’t the funniest thing ever

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The best RPG I have ever played. Packed with loads of content, and has a story and cast of characters that can go toe to toe with 99% of games out today. The entire 3rd semester is a highlight, and Maruki is the most compelling and interesting antagonists I’ve ever seen.

If I had a couple nitpicks I’ve picked up over the years knowing this game, the dialogue can be pretty unintentionally bad and not subtle, but it doesn’t happen very often. Also the lack of utilization of Kasumi, who is secretly one of my favorites despite her very limited screen time

It is the RPG to play if you haven’t touched the genre before, I hope it can stay that way over time

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“A man chooses, a slave obeys”

One of the first games I ever played, and still to this day one of the best. Yeah it may be a nostalgia pick, but there are some things this game does better than anything else ever made

Firstly, the worldbuilding and overall setting and atmosphere is the most creative I’ve ever played, and the intro into Rapture still gives me chills every time I see it. Not to mention it has one of the best twists with Andrew Ryan. It’s subtle but ingenious political commentary and interactions with other characters create this extremely ethereal narrative experience that hasn’t been replicated

The enemies can be tanky and the final boss is kinda meh considering the buildup, but it isn’t a detriment to this game at all when you consider the positives outweighing the negatives

Please play it if you are into anything FPS related

This is a pure nostalgia pick, but it was the first game I ever truly sat down and played. A lot of the games I played around this time were demos or really short story games, but I’ve put an unhealthy amount of time into this series as a whole partly due to this game. It’s just really addicting.

Funky Kong numero uno

Let me state now the 5 star rating is my personal score, I UNDERSTAND THIS GAME IS PRETTY MEDIOCRE AT IT’S CURRENT STATE AND IS NOT FOR EVERYONE

With that said I do really love this game still. It is the closest thing to an abusive relationship a video game can have since Overwatch, but just like that game I have a lot of core memories with that I can’t simply just ignore. I’ve spent countless hours in LFG and clan servers churining out raid nights with friends. Raids and PvE in general is still extremely fun altogether. This game also has incredible art directions and music very few genres have been able to top. Calus and Rhulk are a few characters that wouldn’t be as popular for me without their credit from the art team

However I can understand why so many people turned on this game. Bungie has not been the most thorough with how they approached balancing this game towards playerbases. It was kinda always like this but it really started to show during the beginning era (Vanilla - Warmind) before Forsaken. The game has also had possobly the worst microtransaction evolution I’ve ever seen, to the point of pure lunacy. Also sunsetting whole entire plantets and activities like Leviathan was also a pretty poor decision on Bungie’s part

However, when it’s all said and done after TFS comes out and Bungie puts their resources into Marathon, I will look back on this game and say that I did have a blast with it. Deatiny 2 has gotten me through some really hard times and I appreciate it for being there, so it’s hard not to knack against it when I can for being dogshit. The game’s a mess but it’s a mess I can’t help but love

Don’t play PvP though that still sucks lol

“The cycle ends here”

A great story backed up with some intriging combat and fresh new and entertaining characters in a semi-rebooted universe. I knew about God of War but I never really played any of them, but this game convinced me to pick up the entire series.

There is the issue, however, that it can feel stale and slow, which Ragnarok kinda intensifies. It’s valid critisism, but sometimes having something happening all the time can take away from the more grounded moments this game has

It’s an example of a game showing how a reboot/remake can absolutely skyrocket popularity and general interest in a game when done correctly

This is another pure nostalgia pick, but I love this game a lot. It’s a definitive upgrade to the first in more ways than one, mainly characters and exploration of the main hub. The maps in this game are really fun and creative, and game modes like Garden Ops and Turf Takeover are addicting at times, even if they can be one sided


Man I miss this game. I wish Blizzard the small indie company would bring it back in favor of the most lackluster sequel of a game I’ve ever seen. The OG era of 2016-19 before Brig was introduced was basically my video game childhood

There were a LOT of issues though. Balancing was hell for a majority of its runtime, and seasonal events brought nothing of sustenance to the overall game. But this game is ranked so highly for me because of the journey, not the destination. The highs of this game with friends are unmatched

This game is amazing alone but 🐐’d with friends. The regular story mode is pretty good, and has one of my favorite performances in Steven Ogg as Trevor.

However where this game shines is the online. This game was my go to during the COVID lockouts. I have an ungodly amount of time doing Diamond Heist prep with friends at 4am where we all become retards.

Hopefully GTA 6 will live up to the hype

I will forever be salty this and Doom Eternal had to go against TLOU2 at the Game Awards, this would’ve won every award IMO. The combat and cosmetic customization truly make you feel like the most badass samurai ever. The game also has a strong narrative and characters to boot. It feels like a movie in all the best ways

Overall solid story and some fun cases. Characters are suspects are also all interesting, but my main gripe is with the evidence hunting. It can be a little tediois depending on what exactly you’re looking for, and the formula for the game’s stories are pretty repetitive. However the last case makes up for a lot of the shortcomings, with von Karma and the entire DL-6 storyline. A good game from front to back

Please if you love your family or your wallet, don’t play this game. Quite possibly the most toxic environments I’ve ever played, the learning curve is abhorrently high, and every person that only plays this game is a demented masochist

Gooner bait disguised as a puzzle game. This games only purpose is for Phonk TikTok edits

Please take a shower

Fuck literally everything this game stands for. With the recent news of PVE being cancelled, there is legitimately no reason to come play this game again. Blizzard just keeps gutting this game every chance it gets and it’s horrifying to watch