6 Reviews liked by Serbrethren

After I played this I had my Danny Devito "I get it now" moment

Shit fart industries is dead in the water

I mean, it was ok. A lot of people saying this is the second coming of Undertale are clearly dealing with Deltarune waiting fatigue cause while it's a great shot, it lacks a lot of the charm/sauce of the original and ends up making this feel less impactful overall. Still an alright time tho, but god the bosses are way too hard

Honestly a little bit of a letdown. The wait for this really got my hopes up, but I ended up just wanting it to be over way too early into the game.

It’s a really cool idea that, in hindsight, might have been a better fit for a smaller project, as the mini-games get extremely tedious by the end of the game. Luckily, this game isn’t a grind fest, so you can get away with avoiding a handful of fights.

This game clearly pulls a lot from Earthbound but fails to capture the positive weirdness of that game, instead going for something different that works in some areas, but doesn’t really do a lot in most. Also, it brings over my absolute least favourite thing from Earthbound, the inventory system. Why is everything in one menu with 8 slots? Once you get to Chapter 6, this is less of an issue, but for 50% of the game, you have max 16 inventory slots shared with key items and weapons. So so so stupid and does nothing to improve the experience.

Also, the story just isn't really that interesting. It does a lot at the start to make you think, "oh the story is just a background device to let weird shit happen, don't worry too much", but then the latter half of this game is purely story-based. It feels more like a slap in the face than an earned progression into something more serious.

But yeah, I wish this game was better, but it isn't bad! Just think there are better, more fun RPGs out there, and the main gimmick only distracts from that for so long. I might be being a little harsh here, but playing Sea of Stars so recently, which was such a crowning achievement, made this feel more like a wet fart than a long-awaited payoff.

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Going into this, I did not expect the changes to improve the game by much, both in gameplay and story. I am happy to say that I was mostly wrong in that assumption. First, the gameplay. It somehow felt like much less if a slog than the original. The addition of Warlord Skills are also welcome addition to round out Buddy’s skillset, in addition to slight replayability by killing the warlords in different orders to make use of their skills in different battles. The new superboss that was added is also a welcome challenge even if its also a punishing rng-fest of a fight. Assuming you go the aggressive route for that fight. Still provides a welcome challenge for the defensive route. As far as story goes, a few small scenes are added to flesh out some characters some more, in addition to a small heap of new content if the right conditions are fulfilled, which include that aforementioned superboss. While this new ending content is certainly divisive, I personally like it. It rights some of the wrongs from the original game’s endings with regards to character motivations and other things.
…However I will agree that the fucking “binky” line is entirely unnecessary and completely butchers the tone of the scene