Just complete the history of the game. It's very good! I love lego games, and this is not getting appart!!! The cuscences are the most funniest parts of the game, and the four movies are equal as great on the game)!

5/13/2022: Just mastered this at 100% with my family. Still the same opinion.

When I was little I was OBSESSS with Yo-Kai Watch. I watched the show, bought the merch, play all the games... Yo-kai was my religion.
So I replayed it and... Yeah, it's good. It's not a masterpiece, not nearly. It's just a fun Game to play with your friends.

Nostalgic is something... incredible

Incredible Game. Perfect to play with friends or when you are bored. The only bad thing is the online play, many times it get bad, very bad. But outside that this game is incredible

I love how when you throw a shell they fly like an explosion, I mean, it's the most fun I've ever felt in a video game.

It is fair to rate a game here even if you only played on a friend's house?

The art direction in this game is fantastic. The graphics style is fenomenal and the sountrack slaps. On the gameplay side, the game is pretty fun. The levels are creative and the boss battles are very good!


A fun, clever and beautiful artistic game. Some stages are more hard than they should be, but its a fun game which I will recommend.

Fun game! I have never played a pikmin game until this, and... Yeah, it's great! If you haven't play it I highly recommend it, it's short and not very difficult, but fun, of course.

The best 80's game I have played by far. A nearly perfect game that never gets old!

Classic. One of the most legendary games ever. It never gets old.

The music is cool, the grafics meh. By the way this game is good


This is a perfect game in every sense. The grafics, the characters, the villain, the incredible history that makes you laught, cry and felt like if you were in this incredible universe. The boss battle with the voleibol cat is memorable and dificult that change the videoames boss battles. Some characters are a little annoying at first, but when the history progress they became so charming. 10/10, and one of the best games ever made. A beautiful peace of art, that can never be something like this.

Played again because my brother obligated me and, wow, I haven't played a more easy game than this in MONTHS.

Why people said this was hard??????