Sorry, gameplay is fine, but any racing arcade game that doesn't give you a free play for winning the race is trash in my opinion

Lara Croft: Meh Raider

The game is fine, but that's about it. It doesn't do much to make it come off as more than a poor knock-off Uncharted, which is odd since Uncharted started as a Knock-off Tomb Raider. wished they'd done more with the survival aspects, as after the first area it doesn't matter. Like, you can hunt animals, but all that does is give you a little bit of XP. The enemy A.I. is pretty stupid, thus most gun fights are pretty easy. It has no real replay value and all of the alternate costumes are terrible. It is a step up from the last Tomb Raider remake, but it doesn't do anything that Uncharted didn't do better.


weirdest combination of ideas ever. Pinball meets RTS with Microphone controls. If the game had made a lick of sense, it might have been at least entertaining. it sadly wasn't

I rented this so many times as a kid. Never made it passed the first level. terrible controls, gameplay, story, and design. still among the worst things ever made.

Decent enough Dynasty Warriors clone with some good powers and characters. The game, however, is needlessly long and pointless. It will take hundreds of hours to unlock every character and all the levels start to feel the same. if you want to 100% it, you're looking at upwards of a thousand hours. The game is good, but not that good. Also, hard to play handheld on the switch, as the screen becomes a blur that is basically unreadable. Lost so many fights cause I couldn't tell what part needed aid. Bad enough that most of the levels feel the same, but having to repeat levels because the game was too cluttered to know where I needed to be makes this a slog to get through.

Cool to play as Johnny and Kenzie, and the underworld is a decent enough setting. but the reuse of the same city from 3 and 4, but with more hellish design, makes this feel pointlessly repetitive. Also not enough unique weapons. Didn't like the limiter on flight, and don't get why cars were needed in hell. While ultimately pointless, it at least felt like a real follow-up to the franchise way more than Agents of Mayhem and the Reboot.

SSX: Tony Hawk Edition

Not a great game, but some of the characters and levels are fun. Most of my love for this is for Jinx, my goth pixie dream girl. Not the best Tony Hawk or SSX game, but it still a fun time killer

Bare bones FPS with a slight Die Hard theming. not amazing, but the gameplay is fun enough. Love the one slow-mo shot in the Studio area, wish it had been in more of the game. Can't recommend it, but I own it and enjoy pulling it out ever couple years.

Solid gameplay, but the story is nothing. just get sent in random directions and every once in awhile someone will mention the Vault. Glad I knew what was in the vault, as that was easily the worst thing in the game. And its annoying, cause they could have easily just told us what was inside, and then frame it as a quest to save the world instead of a get rich story. The gameplay is great, love the mixture of feeling over your head and an unstoppable god. Its fun and a good enough starting point, but the rest of the series blows this one out the water

I only started this five minutes ago and I've already shouted, "Oh, BullS**t!" at the screen. I'm suppose to believe no one had found these ruins, but Lara can see this vast green ruins after only climbing over a mountain. People have gone to the top of Everest, there's no way nobody else hadn't gotten high enough to see that. And how did no planes or satellite found this? I'm sure they'll give some BS magic reason like they did in the last game, but this first five minutes are more ridiculous than the corpse that controlled weather in the last one

This was a good improvement over the previous one. I found that one to be quite lackluster and kinda ridiculous. This one just felt a lot better defined with a more compelling story. The action was still a bit too ridiculous, but not as bad as the first or the uncharted games. This one just felt more like a Tomb Raider game, while the first just felt like it wanted to be Uncharted. This also had a few features that gave you something to play after you beat the game, where there was nothing in the first. The gameplay was smooth and intuitive, though some of the platforming was a bit difficult. Overall a marked improvement from the first.

The most ridiculous thing in this was how nobody was suppose to know about the village, and yet Lara found it simply by climbing a mountain. I don't get how so many civilizations found that place, but nobody knew where it was. I found the weather corpse in the first game far more believable.

Way better than it has any right to be. For a cheaper knockoff Breath of the Wild game, this has so much life and personality. The game play is a bit repetitive and simplistic, but has enough variety to keep you interested. The characters and story are super interesting, despite just being another Greek pantheon game. It has really fun set pieces and dialogue.

Love the level of control for your characters look, because you can make any armor look like any of the other armor and take the helmet off without losing the power boost. Love every interaction with the gods, and is among the best depictions of the characters. Like that our lead also has a personality and their journey is great. I also like that their brother actually looks like their sibling. I made a green skinned character and the brother, who you can't design, had a matching skin tone. The world is vast and thankfully not that empty, lots of enemies, collectable, and challenges all around.

After playing Preay for the Gods, another Breath of the Wild Knockoff, I have to give this game even more praise, as Preay was so barebones it didn't give you any real idea of what to do or where to go. There is so much more life and energy put into this than it really warranted. Its a Double A game that has more energy and life than many Triple A games. Its not a masterpiece, but it was a blast to play with great characters and story.

The story of Shadow of the Colossus with the game mechanics of Zelda:BTOW, and that's it. This game does nothing new or inventive that the two games its copying didn't already do way better. The controls are slow and sluggish. You gather weapons but they are pointless as you don't need any to fight the gods. The only unique part is the grappling hook, but it rarely works the way you'd want. Aside from the crypt under the main hub, not a word is spoken in the whole game.

The story and world are nonexistent. The snowy landscapes is vast and empty with every part of it looking exactly the same as everywhere else. They have mechanics to make the game more difficult, and considering how hard it was to get supplies on medium, I don't even want to think about trying the hard parts. It all just moves so slow and you can't tell if anything is worth looking at. the map stays hidden unless you find specific fast travel points, which are all in caves and hard to locate.

The only thing the game gets kind of right is the Gods/Colossus, as they are all at least a little bit interesting. The final arch of the game is cool, managed to add a whole extra star to the game, but is a slog to get through. Another part of the game that I wouldn't want to attempt on hard mode. Then the game ends after just a few hours.

I only gave this game a look because WhatCulture gaming said this was game of the year material back in 2020. Not even close. While it is true we don't have enough Shadow of the Colossus's style games, this is not a worth follow-up to that franchise. It has some style, but there is so little to the world and not much worth doing outside of fighting the gods. Its just dull, and nothing in this hasn't been done before and a lot better.

If you want a good Zelda: BOTW style game, I'd recommend Immortals Fenyx Rising, as that actually does some good story telling and use of those mechanics. Stick to the original if you want a Colossus game. This one has a moment or two, and I gave it a pass by the end, but its not one I'd ever recommend and not one I'll be going back to any time soon. maybe in four to five years, but even that is doubtful

Really good hentai game based of the anime DNA2. Good mechanics and hot characters. It is, however, really long and will take a good three or four hours to finish. Not a bad thing for most, but for a web game, its a really long time and you only get the sex scenes towards the end. Still, its one of the better ones.