Best Game Sound Track of ALL TIME. The CD-Rom also doubled as a music CD.

The game play isn't the best, but once you get your mind around it, it can be fun. Sadly some characters are useless, and you'll spend most races as Knuckles or Tails. Each track has little secret routes to help you win, and collecting the emeralds to unlock Super Sonic was a great reward.

Not an amazing game, but a fun game with stellar music.

Great Story and action scenes. Sadly, at least on the PC, driving cars was nearly impossible. Even after modding the thing to make it easier, driving was just frustrating. Got me into the series, but Three and Four were dramatically better

Best Gameplay with the most lack luster story. easily the best gameplay of the franchise, but also the worst story. It doesn't even have an ending, it just stops at one point.

Good story with some deep questions. Sadly it is bogged down with the worst driving I've ever seen. Every car feels like driving a brick with no wheels. In a GTA game, I want to be able to actually drive around. The appeal of the game for me is driving around to good music. My favorite memories of the other games in the series is driving down the city streets to energetic music. In this, I stopped driving and just kept calling for taxis to get me to the next check point. Sadly, this is my least favorite of the series.

Sadly this was a rushed production that didn't take the time to make the game unique. Much like the first RE3, you can tell this wasn't the focus of the company. its bad enough that you can beat the whole story in less than 4 hours, but that they just kept all of the bosses as Nemesis, making me hate the character after a few play throughs. Nothing in this is really terrible, but the also isn't anything of note either. Its playable, the cast is alright, but that's about it. You may as well skip this and just play RE2 remake and RE4 remake.

Really dull 2D business simulator. Can beat it in a few minutes and nothing interesting happens. you don't even get anything Naughty for playing this adult game. Compared to the other Hunie games, this is a complete waste of time

Still my Favorite NES game and Baseball game ever!

So much to love about the game. You play as robots in this battle version of baseball. As the Pitcher, you have the choice of a supercharged shot or full control of the ball at a slower speed. you can literally make the ball do corkscrews and zigzags. If you get a character on a base, you can then steal bases. if the opponent get the ball to the base, instead of being out, you fight for the base. there are four different robot types and each has different special attacks. You also get weapons and can defeat opponents until they explode! You can win just by making three opponents explode.

There are just so many mechanics and ideas that I've never seen in any other game. its just a blast to play. They even have a season mode and tournaments. Sadly, they are a bit complicated and never really wrapped my head around them. Still, just playing a game or two is the most fun i've had with any baseball game ever.

An okay JRPG that is sadly too generic for its own good.

My third Tales game I've played, after Symphonia 1 & 2. It does feel like those games, but something is just missing. The story is interesting, but both basic and confusing. Just a group of slaves fighting against their masters, but then there's this sentient planet that wants to absorb all life off another planet and it made creaters who created our main characters... and that is all explained in a giant plot dump at the end of the game.

Doesn't help that the characters are, while likable, are also generic as hell. We have the Amnesiac hero who teams up with a mysterious girl with powers. Add in a bookworm magic user, an idiot tough guy, a flambouant man who constantly speaks in poetry, and a armored tough girl, and you have the entire cast. It also feels like we got less allies then we should, as there are two empty spaces that just never get filled. Hate the repetitive dialogue, especially at the end of the game. Every time you fast travel, some makes a comment, and they are all annoying as hell.

The combat is your typical Tales combat, with many moves making it into the game. It does get repetitive, and you just don't get enough moves to make it unique. Hate the shared magic bar for healing, especially when it costs more to refill then buying revive potions. Like the team up moves and limit bursts, though they also got repetitive. Hate that the opening area has a creature that is level 40+ and you can't even take him on until 3/4 of the way into the game.

I did enjoy the game to some extent. The world is nice and fun to look at. While repetitive, the combat is fluid and easy to pick up on. The Villains are easy to hate and fun to fight. Like the interactions between the characters, until they run out of dialogue and start repeating themselves. I wasn't bored until the grind to get the platinum trophy.

Still, the game would have been better with some minor tweaks. Tell me the level of a creature before I fight it, and not in the way they did, by having a character be like, "lets avoid him," cause they did that even when I stood a chance of winning. Making it easy to track what items you need to level up your weapon, or give you a way to buy them. Have bonfires before bosses with a merchant, instead of a magic healing circle. A larger magic bar or cheaper way of refilling it.

This isn't a bad game, there are many fun things about it, but it just takes a lot of patience to get though all of it. Waiting more than half the game to take on one stupid boss from the first area was just so tedious and a waste of time. While i'd play this again before Symphonia 2, this is nowhere near as compelling or interesting as Symphonia 1. This is passable, but there are a lot of Tales games, and I feel like this one will always be the "meh" of the franchise.

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Such a weird choice, but the gameplay is actually alight. So this is a straight RPG, no Card games whatsoever. Instead each character gets three monsters to fight on their behalf.

It has leveling up and you send out characters to capture towns on a large map. The combat is simple, but its fun. Get ready for a long play through, as each level takes upwards of an hour to finish. Honestly, first play though of the story is okay, but when you play the next characters story, you gain the ability to summon one of the Egyptian Gods, which makes the game really shine.

Not a very good Yugioh game, but its a fun RPG. Its got a lot of replay value and the slowness becomes almost relaxing. Not a masterpiece, but way better than it has any right to be

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Loved getting cussed out by Cartman for not spending a single penny in the game!

A good concept that is fun for a few hours. Making films and cutting together scenes is great.

The game, however, is held back by being a business management simulator. It's fine in the beginning, but as you get farther in it just gets so tedious. Constantly having to deal with lack of funds, actors complaining about their money or trailer, then being unusable in the films cause they're stuck in rehab. Having to destroy sets to make new sets. Having every single film you make being judged for a bunch of stupid subsections that you can barely control. It just gets annoying after awhile.

If you played this because you like business, then its a good one that gets fairly complex. I doubt that anyone got this for the business simulator. Its about making the movies, and that can be a blast in this. Its a game that would work better with cheats or mods. Give me infinite money, actors and crew that are constantly happy and not in rehab, and this game would be five stars.

As it is, this is fun, but gets old quickly. I come back to it every few years, but always stop after a few days. Sad that its hard to get now, but there's stuff here that really work. A remake would do good if you focused more on the movies and less on the movie industry.

Short little South Park-esque game about a hitman. basically have multiple choice routes and each has its advantages and disadvantages. its fun, and got expanded on in the sequel. sadly, that's all we got from the series, as the purposed full game never got made... as least as far as I've know. not much to it, but its fun for what it is.

Sometimes you play a sequel or spinoff and the game just doesn't work because its too similar to the first.

I loved the gameplay of the first, and the gameplay here is fine, but now I just see all of the problems from the first game. Like how hard it is to know exactly where you are going, and constantly having to go back to the lab to ask where you need to go. Also how annoying the leveling up works, as you'll spend hours leveling up a character, just to not have enough stats and not a lot of ways to increase it. Plus having to constantly de-evolve your digimon because the high evolves require higher ABI that you only get through digivolving. It all just shines a light on the flaws of the entire gameplay design.

The new things in this game are some new digimon and a new story. The story is fine, but I didn't find it all that compelling. Wish there had been a way to skip the cutscenes or just speed them up. They added a new hacker job system, where you do sidequest for meager rewards. these are usually just: go here, fight, get reward. Sometimes you do a team battle or an gang battle, but these are all just slight variations of go here and fight. Also you gain hacker skills, most of which are completely useless except in specific situation. That you have to have certain Digimon on your team to use certain skill is annoying.

This is a decent game, and it is a decent follow up to the first. But it was just too similar to the first for me, and if I wanted to play something like that, I'd play the first one again. That this one can take just as long as the first, 80 to 100 hours to 100%, just makes it one I don't really want to go back to.

The game that made me realize that I don't like point and click games. I tried for years to get any headway in this, and nothing I ever did worked out. It takes so much clicking and guessing and you are always missing the key component. It was also the 90's and my house didn't have internet, so I couldn't look up a guide. I wanted to like the game, it had a fun story and interesting parts, but no matter what I did, I could never get very far. Would play again, but only with a guide this time.

Its a fun little strip poker game with dozens of great characters from anime to video games to internet memes. The annoying thing is that if you want to get all the endings you have to win every single game of poker. Even if you beat the character that you want to get an ending with, if any of the other players beat you, you lose entirely. Gets tedious as certain characters seem to have advantages that make them a pain to play against. Still, the game is hot and fun with great characters. Play to enjoy and take a break if you start to obsess with getting endings.