A shitpost made with love and passion. Love to see it!

I think I've fallen in love with a studio again..

A very beautiful and weird game with some boring gameplay here and there, but with somehow very well made bosses.

The more I think about UNDERTALE, the more I love it. Been a fan for a long time, even was in the fandom and hadn't ever played it, just watched gameplays. After a while of stepping out of the fandom, I started thinking maybe it was a bit overrated. I finally played it this year. It's not overrated. Go play it, even if you know it from top to bottom like I did. You won't regret it.

Gemstone ? Looking for buyer..

I try and I try to give this game a chance I swear but I always only keep on playing it cuz it's the sims and not because it's well made or fun