While it is a good game, I didn't enjoy this one as much as I did the first two games from Remedy. It felt like a Rockstar game, which isn't a bad thing, but not what I was hoping for. While the story was OK and the graphics are fine, I most enjoy the voice acting. It was great hearing the original Max Payne once again. As for gameplay, the bullet time took a back seat for cover mechanics which I felt was a wasted opportunity. The painkillers mechanic from the original games returned but in 2012 it felt a bit unfair and at times even broken. The worst though were the WAY to long levels. Most of them drag just way too long. Overall though, it was a good game which I enjoyed playing.

Been playing this game at short bursts, just a little each week since it came out in Europe. I didn't get burnt up on it by the end like many do. I did like the story. There is nothing else quite like it out there. The anime style is cool, and the puzzles are fun though I did play on easy. I imagine that not being able to undo change will be extremely frustrating. Over all, good game.

Another Blizzard game which is always EPIC. The story was good, the game play is addicting as hell (no pun intended) and feels very dynamic and fluid. Had very little issues with the servers. The graphics are ok but not great with the exception of the prerendered cinematics which are superb. Finished it only on normal mode but am going to try nightmare and some other classes. Overall it is a great game and a must play. I wonder what Blizzard will do for the expansion since this is the first Diablo game to end on a positive note.

It was a better game than I exacted. The story is cool though somewhat dumb. Graphics are nice and the facial animation is way better than it should. Gameplay totally makes you feel like a badass with cool powers. You can see the twists all the way through coming but it was fun nonetheless. I'm glad I've played it.

A very fun and addictive metroidvenia experience. While it is very short, it was fun all the way through and I loved every minute of it. The visuals are superb and the entire package is great. A great game. Only downside is that i still have 9 more days for Diablo 3. Need a game that won't take more than 9 days to complete.

This adventure game is quite old school. The animations are stiff and the story is good but not great. It is short. I wanted to like this one more than I actually did.

Finished this epic trilogy. I must admit that mass effect 2 was a far superior game, however this game is still pretty good. The story is interesting, the visuals are nice, the gameplay is tight. Everything is fine, but amazing like it was in 2. I still enjoyed it. The ending was fine. I don't see what all the fuss was about. All in all, a good game worth playing.

After Skyrim I needed some crazy to clear my head. It was a fun short adventure. Took me less then 1 day to finish it. I loved it. The story is crazy and is a bit hard to follow at first but you quickly get into it. The graphics are nice (though there is an occasional frame rate issue), the music is fantastic an to game play is fun enough. Good experience over all, short as it may be.

After more than 3 months of playing I've finally finished this game (well, at least, the main quest). Completion time stand at 99:34. A very long game... It was a fantastic ride. The game play is great, the story is good and the graphics are superb. 2011 Game of the year, no doubt. I might still go back to finish the thieves guild and dark brotherhood.

I don't understand it. Why is it so well regarded? The visual are good, the narrator is good, but the story ain't all that interesting. No twist ending or any kind of revelation or resolution. It's only about an hour long, but feel free to skip this one (even if you like games that are art).

Haven't finished a game in a while (only because Skyrim is so damn long) but managed to finish this one. It was way better than the original game with more in depth combat system. Great for a mobile platform and the iCloud support allows you to jump from the iPhone to the iPad easily. All future iOS games should have this amazing feature. Overall, a great game that any one who has a iDevice should have. Anyone wants to bet that Infinity Blade III is on the way? :)

Another epic entry in the Ace Attorney franchise. I liked the new characters (though I missed Maya), the story was great with a nice twist at the end to connect all the cases together. The music is great (and i'm also a sucker when they through in the music from the 1st game near the end). All in all it was fantastic. I wonder if they will ever make a proper sequel to this game (or the very least, localize ace attorney investigations 2).

I know i'm kinda late for the party but it's a nice game. Killed the god king by bloodline 6. The graphics are amazing for the platform. Gameplay is addicting like a mobile game should. Overall I enjoyed it. Will jump into the sequel soon.

A fantastic casual game. I've would have never thought I would have liked it but I've sunk over 29 hours into it. The story is quite generic but the game play is awesome. The graphics are really good. Most addicting casual game since plants vs. zombies.

Another good call of duty experience. This one does tie up nicely the Makarov story like and the shooting is great, but this game doesn't reach the heights of Modern Warfare 2. Short play through as always.