Another great installment. The original was better though. Taking a break before playing the third.

Finished on the day of Yom Kippur. Short game, took like 3 day to complete. It was fun as long as it lasted.

It was OK, but sadly my least favorite this season. The ending is kind of weird. Anyways, waiting for next season of whatever franchise telltale will bring next.

This game's UI is better than the first one, but i didn't like the puzzles as much. The presentation is great and so is the voice acting. Waiting for the next installment.

I got to this installment later then usual. It was still a good episode with an Epic Ending. At lest the finale is not too far off. Waiting for episode 5.

Finished the campaign on normal. Only the last mission was really difficult. Awesome game! Blizzard does it again!

A nice new IP from telltale. It is a professor Layton clone but it's not as good as the source. It also ends when the story begins to be interesting. But the art style and humor are good. I wonder if they will make more.

First time ever finishing 2 games in the same day. This game was great fun. The twist near the end is kind of weird though.

The season goes on with this installment of Sam and Max. Short and Sweet as always. A bit on the easy side this month. Waiting for the next episode.

My first game on the DS. It is a great Game! The story is great, the characters are interesting and the Music is AMAZING. I LOVED IT.

I LOVE these games! A very original setting with some great puzzles. Short as always. Can't wait for the next episode.

A fun game. The platforming can get intense. The combat is so so. Worth a play-through.

Remedy sure knows how to make good games. Hoping the DLC will have more to add.

Have been playing this game on my free time for the last 10 months. It is alot of fun! Very good implementation, though there is room for improvement. If you want to get a casual gamer deeper into gaming, this is a great place to start. Waiting for puzzle quest 2 for the DS.