Pushmo 2011

Log Status






Time Played

10h 25m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 28, 2024

First played

April 19, 2024

Platforms Played


At first glance, Pushmo appears to be a simple tile puzzle game, but it's much more challenging than it seems when playing the game. It starts off easy with the tutorial, but once you're on your own, the 250+ short puzzle challenges will really test your skills. I was taken aback at first, but came around to find it this game’s biggest strength. It really does test my skills in solving tile puzzles consistently and therefore keeps me engaged from start to finish. It would’ve been the opposite if the game was a breeze from the get-go with the tile puzzles.

However, Intelligent Systems thought that it was a bright idea to allow players to skip levels when they are stuck on them for a while, and I don't like this at all as it diminishes the challenge of the game. The only punishment for players is not getting the main collectible in that particular level, but that doesn't feel like a huge punishment at all. Besides that, my other complaint is that the tutorial was a bit slow to get through with these lessons that you have to do.

Nonetheless, this was a pleasant surprise to experience, having way more meat and challenge to it than it looks at surface level. Definitely play it if you are looking for a solid tile puzzle game to sink your teeth into for a while on the 3ds.