You won't spend much time in the ring here. What this often overlooked entry in the vast sea of WWE games offers instead is a violent crusade against Vince McMahon's sports entertainment empire in the form of "Revenge Mode" in which you pick your superstar, promptly get FIIIIIIIIRED and with the aide of Stephanie McMahon, set about ruining the biggest event of the year by... murdering security guards and construction workers, of course! Sure, it might say "Eliminated" when you take someone out but with the heights you're tossing people from off of cranes above the sea and the blood curdling screams that accompany it , you'll know in your heart that those poor bastards are being sent to their untimely graves to REST. IN. PEEEEEAAAAACE!


A decent platformer that does a commendable job for the time in trying to replicate the 2D visuals of the movie in a 3D space. The movement can feel a pretty sluggish and it's far from the best that you'll find out there in terms of Disney licensed games, but over 2 decades later, I still can't help but hold a bit of a soft spot for it.

I know it as "Kula World" though it goes by several titles depending on where you're from. This lesser sung gem of puzzle games is a trippy and engaging treat from all angles.

Addictive to an enraging fault considering there's very little to this game but you'll still periodically find yourself picking it up to kill some time.

The magnum opus of Telltale Games, SBCG4AP captures everything great about Homestar Runner across all 5 episodes of this wonderful point and click adventure.

An incredibly short but endlessly charming little game that takes a page from the Katamari school of "Roll the world up in a ball" and says "What if you tossed it down a hole instead?". Incredibly easy to get immersed in which is why it's a shame you'll find yourself finishing this one in under 2 hours.