I am going to mourn the loss of this game for the rest of my life


it's like 3D tinder but for 10 year old horny kids who lack self-esteem

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The best thing about this game are the graphics imo. The enemies aren't very memorable, the story seemed kinda half-assed to me and the plot-twist in the end was very predictable
The generic psychological horror "you were the real monster all along!1!!!11" trope is seriously overused and it's getting really annoying lol

I feel sorry for the people who work on starbucks

Oh god this game reminds me SO much of Catherine, I love it

Definitely the best game in the series imo
It feels a lot more complete than the other games, plus the animated cutscenes are awesome

I used to play this game EVERY. SINGLE. DAY when I was a kid.
I can't believe I actually found this again, i'm crying,,,,

Easy and fun little game. Nothing too special about it though, the gameplay is pretty bland.
I wish there was more to the cat girl characters other than just unlocking them with coins and reading the info on their breeds. The character designs and artwork are pretty nice tho.

The art is too pretty for such a mediocre game wtf
Well.... this was literally developed by a company called "Lil Hentai Games" so I don't know what I was expecting
Props to the artists though

I feel like this game is too slow and too punishing for it's size, I can't imagine someone going through the whole game and getting all the 10+ endings unless they're a youtuber or a hardcore completionist.
It's not bad at all though, the gameplay may be very simple, but it keeps you entertained. It's really fun to interact with the NPCs and learn their stories, the game feels very immersive and does a good job putting you in the shoes of a poor stray kitten.
(really neat artstyle btw)

Okay but why am I unironically in love with a character from a hentai mahjong game

Quick and half-assed cashgrab: the game