Looking forward to

Games that have some semblance of pre-release material beyond a working title and either the game looks promising from what's seen or is from one of the few devs I can trust (aka why starfield isn't here)

Probably also add in Elden Ring DLC and Xenoblade 3 DLC
Theoretical hype: Metroid Prime remake, SMTV: New Waifu Thrown Into the Story Edition, Starfox 65, The Winds of Winter
Edit: elden ring dlc and mp remake successfully predicted

good series, good pre-release material
11 games no misses so ya I'm confident
Good dev, promising pre-release material

Edit: After release, hype was not misplaced!
actually haven't been super impressed by what I have seen but it at least seems polished and a step up from XV, interested in where it goes


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