Fantastic platformer, really fun time. Super excited for Sea of Stars!

Worthy follow up to the first one. I enjoy the story a little less, but it is still very good, while the introduction of more returning pokemon and much more postgame content makes for a game I can spend a lot of time in.

Amazing end to the question arcs. Umineko is amazing, and I'm really excited to see where we go in the answer arcs.

Cute and charming! Great writing with a fun and unique turn based combat system. Not going to blow anybody away and very much improved upon by TTYD, but a great game anyways.

Good. The gameplay isn't nearly as great as KHII but it's pretty fun still. The story is really great with a lot of cool lore stuff and good characters. The sonic adventure like multiple campaign system is pretty neat even if things get a bit repetitive my the end.

Wow this game was amazing. Just watched the credits and still feel like there's a bunch of stuff left I want to do. This game is an absolute steal at $20, just everything about it is immensely fun. It really fixes all of the issues I've had with Pokemon lately while forging an identity of its own, creating something that feels both incredibly unique and addictive. Plus the music is absolutely god tier, and will get stuck in your head for days.

Would consider this not just the best Pokemon game, but a really great JRPG for fans of the Genre. Huge fan of the story told here, and the Unova region is a ton of fun!

Great followup to Steins;Gate. I don't think it's quite as good as the original, but is still fantastic and should be experienced if you enjoyed the first one. It really feels like it completes the whole story and experience.

It was good, but my least favorite SciAdv game I've played as of writing. Loved the characters, but the story was a bit weaker than Steins;Gate or Chaos;Head.

Very good route, I like Saber a lot. The premise of Fate/Stay Night is endlessly entertaining and something I can't get enough of.

It hasn't aged well, with clunky controls and very aged visuals, but it remains an amazing story with fantastic voice acting and cinematography.

Amazing. The actual romance part of this route is super whatever but Archer is a phenomenal character and it really is more his route than Rin's. Absolutely worth reading.