I always thought that Quake 2 was good but just that, good. Especially when compared to the first game. This remaster however made me like this game a whole lot more. Not just the visuals but the gameplay received some updates. My main problem with the og version was me constantly getting lost because of the confusing map design. They remedied this with a handy compass feature. Finally Quake 2 is way more about the fast paced action and less about wandering around, not knowing where to go.
This remaster not only made the main game better but also includes all the expansions and some other campaigns. (All for free if you own Quake 2 on Steam) Would like to also talk about them.

The Reckoning
Good expansion. Adds some new challenging enemies and weapons which complement the base arsenal pretty well.

Ground Zero
Bad expansion. Kinda more bearable since you have the compass this time but that's it. The new enemies are pretty annoying. Later on, the levels jump keep constantly throwing groups of enemies at you with Medics in the mix and sentry turrets shooting you from hard to notice spots. New guns are also redundant. Just avoid this one.

Call of the Machine
MachineGames did it again. The new levels are pretty and quite varied. Instead of the usual space stations, we get ruined cities, old tombs and a moon base. My favorite level from this campaign has to be Operation Corpse Run. One moment it's high octane action and in other it's horror. Also love how the music on the maps are more dynamic here.

Quake 2 N64
Always assumed that it was just a lesser port of the og game. Turns out it's an entirely different campaign. It's not bad. Quite short on PC since you have better controls and quicksaves. There are some cheap enemy placements which might have been really frustrating on the N64 but they are fine here.

So all in all, kudos to idsoftware, Bethesda, Nightdive and MachineGames. This remaster exceeds expectations.

The update didn't add too many things but it was free so I can't complain. Still as chaotic fun as ever.

Now that's more like it!

While the previous game felt slow and was way too punishing. Fantastic Journey is an absolute blast to play the way trough. The game gives you the opportunity to power up and just go crazy.
Perfect game to do multiple playtroughs on, trying out new characters and trying to notice each and every silly little detail in the stage backgrounds you might have missed the first time.

Nice creativity and gorgeous graphics but not much easier than the game it parodies. It can be quite frustrating actually with many cheap traps.
Almost beaten it but there is a point at the last stage which respawns you with no powerups and the barrage of enemies are quite hard to deal with (those damn bees). I just said f it at that point.
Parodius overall is still a good game but has too many frustrating elements which are keeping it down for me.

Nice concept. You can make some fun builds.
Shame it's only 1v1 but if more friends want to play, you can always just whip out Stickfight the Game.

EDIT: There are mods to make the game 4-player. Also bunch of new cards. Pretty cool!

I guess I was like that kind of person who is a fan of Earthbound or Persona 5 but they have never actually played it. Jet Set Radio completely mesmerized me with it's style, vibes and most famous of all, it's soudtrack. Then years passed by and I've finally played it...

I was kinda close to give up on the game at the beggining. It has that early 2000s jank. The game made me want to slam my desk a few times and im a type who seldom gets angry at a game. However, I loved the style so much that I've decided to tough it out. Turns out the game is hella flawed still but not that bad and certainly gets better on subsequent playtroughs. Also as I've mentioned. The world and vibe of the game are just too good to give up on it because of bad game design.

An alright puzzle platformer which may or may not be part of the Cosmo Gang franchise.
It's competently made and the controls are fairly intuitive. However, the game is pretty basic and boring. The main thing going for it are the touch screen controls. It might have wowed me as a kid but it's nothing special nowadays.

Puzzle Bobble but with Osaka? Yes please!

https://mossjp.co.jp/azumanga/ no longer works tho rip :c
How am I gonna redeem my code now?

Excellent puzzle game!
Let's you be very creative with your placements and on the easier difficulty, it's actually quite easy to 1-credit. (not like im playing this on MAME or anything)
The visuals and the sound also complement the gameplay perfectly. I'm getting goosebumps from the underwater vibe.

Satisfying puzzler tho I really suck at it.
I like the tiny details on the aliens. They can fall asleep or get scared when you clear a line and they fall a block or two.
Nice to ocassionally play a few rounds tho I've heard that Pac-Attack is the exact same game if not better. Have to look into that someday.

The Parodius of the Galaga games or something like that...
It doesn't overstay It's welcome and you have some fun power-ups. I just wish they've went out with the over the top a bit more. Also the bonus stages can be ear grating.
Worth a playtrough atleast.

Despite it's age, It's still a very satisfying shmup. Like it makes me want to get better at it every time I play it.
Also love the fly patterns of the enemies.

Your average Street Fighter 2 wannabe from the 90s, nothing too interesting. The chick with the claws is hot tho.

These kids sure were liquid alright

Didn't know what to expect going into this. Some people said that this version of Colors is better
The Sonic Rush games are interesting and kinda cool but are marred by Dimps' terrible Sonic design philosophy of way too many bottomless pits and obstacles coming out of nowhere.
The Wii version of Colors also has some cool ideas but the game often slows down and makes you do precise platforming sections in 2D. Both Rush and Colors are just okay games in my opinion.
So how is Sonic Colors on the DS? Well...
It is indeed better than Wii Colors. Only a tiny bit tho. The main thing that DS does better is how it provides more of that fast adrenaline rush (no pun intended) gameplay. The wisps are also better implemented. No Block Wisp to be found here thankfully.
Even with the positives tho, Dimps' bad design, while not as bad as in Sonic Rush, It's still here. Later the game throws so many deathtraps at you it's not even funny. Sonic Colors DS is still just an okay game. It's fine for a playtrough but don't expect anything amazing.