9 reviews liked by Shotgun_Soma

btw theres a gba version, it isn't listed here though

Finally finishing these games in 2023 killed whatever hope I had for Ken Levine's next project. This is the video game equivalent of a kid breaking his toys so nobody else gets to play with them.

the sexual tension in the kitchen boss fight with the chef penguin is too much for me

I wish Keiji Inafune was in prison with Yuji Naka

Holy shit 10/10. Best music album EVER. It even has a free game included!

Pretty good remaster. New features were fun and the new art style is pretty good overall. Not a fan of Dedede's look. Same great game, new bad price.

Absolute ass expansion. You are on crack if you think this is better than F.E.A.R. Extraction Point LMAO

it's like puyo puyo except it's awful
i'll just keep pretending like this and meat boy forever don't exist