926 Reviews liked by Shrouls

God of War can do no wrong in their main series games to me, this one is just as good as the first two and is the first one that looks as good as it plays. I love the choices of weapons in this one it makes it much more expansive combat wise.

Good zombie killing coop game with some challange.
Physics and animations still better than most AAA-games today.

This is genuinely my favorite work of art of all time. Fantastic combat and level design, compelling and likable characters, a deep and emotional story, and incredible boss fights combine to make a real modern classic.

The Fall Guys Killer

The game itself isn’t all that good but the proximity chat and the fact that it’s free boost it hard. 95% of this game’s appeal comes from player interaction.

If I ever have kids and I walk in on them playing something like this I'm putting them up for adoption.

Currently handing over my Dark Soul

You can parry the shit thrown at you by a giant monkey

This is how you revive a franchise.

With one of the greatest stories I've ever seen in a game, God of War definitely earned it's place in my top 5. Throughout playing, I could not find a single flaw where I was left wondering what the developers intended. Beautiful visuals, soundtrack, and voice acting helped keep the story feeling alive and interesting. Meanwhile, the gameplay left nothing to be desired, never getting dull or repetitive. The world didn't feel like a chore to traverse, and the change from previous God of War games was needed, which they pulled off perfectly. The leveling mechanics were planned well, and one of the few times I've considered a NG+ before I even finished my first playthrough. I'm not sure what else I can say other than this game is a masterpiece and I'm very excited for the continuation this year. Easy 10/10.

do not do this to yourself, go play the original one for ps2



The best take on an immersive sim. Games this good get nitpicked to hell, but very few games reach what this game strives to do so well. Love it.