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Shumi_Reviews reviewed Half-Life: Opposing Force
An expansion of one of the greatest FPS games ever made. Opposing force tells the story of the game from the perspective of the enemy with a whole lot of new original weapons for the game. The only problem this game suffers from is the plot is nonexistent.

The game has the same fast paced action as the original, so the gameplay is high quality. The new weapons are a welcome addition too, especially the portal gun which can be used to recharge health and ammo by going to a different place. The new rope and crew mechanics are there but are hardly used in actual gameplay.

The bad part of the game is definitely the lack of a central plot. Shepard wants to get out of Black Mesa but is he even doing something about? It seems like he is wandering aimlessly around Black Mesa. Even Blue Shift had a better sense of plot progression like how we hear about Rosenberg, find him, do what he tells us to do. The second thing is probably Race X. I wish they just added more Xen lifeforms, instead of a completely new race that hasn't been explained enough through the side lore material.

Overall, a decent expansion.

1 day ago

Shumi_Reviews finished Half-Life: Blue Shift
A short and sweet expansion of the original game that utilizes the same assets as before except for maybe 2 new NPC models.

The game is incredibly short, almost movie length. You can easily complete it in two sessions. There are fewer enemy types and even fewer weapons as compared to the original, but Barney Calhoun doesn't have a PhD in ass kicking like my main man Freeman.

The game is decent enough, but I feel the puzzles and atmosphere weren't up to the mark of the original, but they were close enough. It's a cool, short side story for the original game. Totally worth playing!

9 days ago

9 days ago

Shumi_Reviews finished Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
In a world where we have two active wars going on what's a better way to play a game that represents exactly what goes on during those battles. I wish I could say this game is a hilarious stereo type of modern warfare but after seeing so many real-life videos of active conflicts this game feels less and less like a parody. Honestly, the game still is a slightly hilarious parody of modern warfare that is actually fun to play.

This is an expansion pack of the previous Generals. This time we get a new campaign for each of the three returning factions and each campaign contains 5 missions. I wish the campaigns were longer as we don't really get to experience the units each faction provides enough. For example, we get an airbase in the US campaign only in the last mission, that's kind of disappointing because the airbase is the best US building. There are new buildings, units and general power for each faction.

The gameplay is amazing and fun. I don't have much experience with RTS games, but the game feels great, and the rock/paper/scissors aspect of the units is good.

Overall, a very fun game to play that also looks and sounds good.

11 days ago

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