21 Reviews liked by Sibus

You'll never find another game like this if you live to be 7,000! killer7 is a mind-bending piece that never stops taking turns you won't see coming! The gameplay, the mechanics, the story, the visuals, it's all so insanely creative and unique!

The game benefits from multiple playthroughs as well, especially if you want to understand the story better. This experience was made with the Gamecube in mind, but the recent Steam port is a fine substitute with considerably better controls. Avoid the horrible PS2 port at all costs, though.

A brilliant run-n-gun game that's marred by the Genesis' controller. Contra Hard Corps is designed and presented as an incredible step-up from Contra 3, as everything is refined so amazingly, and aspects of the formula have been expanded, such as the branching paths that lead to completely unique scenarios and each character having their own unique set of weapons.

The only thing, in my opinion, that stops it from being the best game in the series, is its controls. It manages to utilize everything you can do in the previous SNES game, but that game's controller had 6 buttons, which the game used nearly all of them. Now that they only have 3 buttons to work with, their means to make these functions available is creative, albeit bothersome when you're in the thick of shooting up your foes. It's hard getting used to these kinds of controls, especially considering they're unique to the rest of the franchise before and after.

Regardless, it's worth getting a hang of them and seeing the incredible scenarios this game puts you through, blazing with amazing graphics and explosive gameplay! A must-play for any fan of the run-n-gun franchise!

Dissimilar to Hatred, Postal feels a bit more genuine and cynical to the point where you don't really take it seriously at all. Instead of being a PR stunt by unimaginative assholes, this game stands as an element of the mid-90s where a couple dudes felt like pushing the envelope.

The game feels like shit to play, though.

A jaw-dropping run-n-gun game with a dazzling art style, stupendous music, and insanely satisfying mechanics (throwing those dumb bastards never gets old)!

Gunstar Heroes is easily one of the best games in the Sega Genesis library, but that's no big news since it's a world-renowned game of that console's library. I'm just happy to see that this game still feels really good to play and is tough enough to give you a good fight, but not too difficult where it feels unfair.

A great overhead brawler with charming visuals, and arcadey gameplay! Hotline Miami is a gritty, visceral game with an interesting narrative. The mechanic of approaching each stage differently by choosing a mask is great for when you're learning the game. Of course, you'll be able to stick to just one as you get closer to mastering the game.

A game I know isn't perfect, but I don't care. It's perfect in my eyes. No More Heroes is a great hack-n-slash game with gratifying visuals, visceral combat, and a supremely interesting story that has a lot for both people that want a fun, simple adventure, and people that want a deep, profound narrative.

The game has a lot to say about how witnessing death can change you as a person, and it's firstly disguised as a goofy action game. This and the director's previous game "killer7" heavily influenced me as a teenager and what I look for in a video game's story.

The Wii version is the most authentic experience, but the Switch version is mostly competent while sporting a better framerate. PC version is very rough and doesn't even include kb+m controls.