I really hate this game, and yes I did explored and forgot about the main quest and shit, and let me tell you. That's the reason why I hate this game. How am I supposed to care about the story and whatever it is trying to tell if the game conspires against itself having side-quests better than the main story and not even relevant to itself. Lore-wise it is even dumb. How come that after over a hundred years civilization is sufficiently dumb to live in such a trashed out place. Just because is a "post-nuclear game" doesn't mean that humanity is dumb enough to not progress.

TL;DR play fallout new vegas.

I wish it had more patterns and gimmicks. It gets repetitive pretty quickly.

Many point how frustrating it can become, but it might be all in purpose of an anti-war narrative. If the first game starts questioning the player if "we liked violence", this one starts assuring that we do. So then, following that thread, the game will expose us to these irritating levels in which someone can question itself if they do really like violence. Pretty meta-narrative.