40 Reviews liked by Sir_Richarod

Heartwarming story of how a little schizophrenic girl goes on a journey to remove the creatures speaking to her in her mind and return to a societal norm.

I don't know why I beat this game in one day at my friend's flat, but I've done it. Forgive my sins.

This is the most boring game I've ever played but there's nothing particularly wrong with it, definitely made for toddlers though

Game #75: Wizard of Legend

I'm not a huge fan of roguelikes so if this game lasted even a bit longer I could've just quit. But nevertheless it has really fun and tight combat mechanics that I have to give credit.


I almost love this game as much as Dead cells. It has a special place in my heart being my first Rogue-like. I really like the abilities being cards and elemental abilities are really fun to play with. It's one of the only wizard game that I think are done well.

great game, very fun to play around with different spell builds and discover new ones, combat is great with different enemy types and bosses, very addicting

"Goblins will watch you weave the arcane arts into a fireball and say 'He hath not the strength to operate a catapult' "
- teddy roosevelt (1600s B.C.)

Action game developers need to learn that interacting with enemies is far more important than giving the player a ton of fun tools to play with. The game really gives you a whole compendium of spells, items, and equipment that way you can really make a playstyle that suits you, only for the challenge of the game to be finding the combination of attacks that is best at stunlocking a room full of guys until they are reduced to atoms. If you are unable to do that then an enemy will just run up and smack your shit up and if that happens enough times you are eventually chipped to death. It's even stranger because the bosses are so much better designed when it comes to actually fighting them but normal enemy encounters just have no thought put into them at all.

By far one of the best rogue-likes from the last couple of years. Played this a lot with a friend of mine, it's co-op mode is just as satisfying and responsive as its single player. You truly feel like a master of the elements with this one.

The Wizard Game is among my favorite subgenres, and this does its job as a Wizard Game roguelike perfectly. Even though there are optimal choices, the variety of spells, outfits, and relics open up a lot of unique playstyles to experiment with.


item play is great in this game but level design can be kinda disapointing

Great feel to the spells, falling in pits can be annoying and common though.

Good game, had a lot of fun even though I didn't know what was a roguelike at the time.
I played it mostly by myself, and it was really fun to progress trhough the game. Once I beat it once tho, I couldn't find myself wanting to do it again.

I does a good job being exactly what it purposes itself to be.

fun roguelike, awesome replayability