such a fun game and to this day there are constantly new stuff made by the community like live cloth simulation lately. The achievements are an interesting idea but a goddamn bs when someone wants to 100% it legitimately

awesome automation/factory building game, very excited what future versions bring contentwise but as of v8 its already a very fun game. I don't really get why there are enemies tho, as they dont destroy anything, dont pose a thread, are so easy to kill...

jc4 feels like when some low level necromancer tries to resurrect jc2/jc3 but all that comes out of it is there empty shell of a game, huge disappointment

great bloons game, versus play is not a fun experience but the base levels alone are enough for many many hours of playtime

war thunder isnt a particular bad game, i actually have fun playing it. But even in the beginning the progress is SO, SO goddamn slow, very toxic playerbase and its just a bad f2p experience

well it's minesweeper but with hexagons, would be a decent minesweeper variant if there wouldnt be so goddamn many 50/50s

what the hell, this game is amazing. Once you get the jist of it it's so much fun fighting against the enemies and bosses, the artstyle is super unique and honestly beautiful looking, increadibly underated in my opinion

interesting concept, bad execution. each level is extremely bland and enemies just keep repeating, the gimick of the different cursors is interesting but their abilities is so bad that in the end it doesnt make any difference which cursor you take.

it's exactly what the name implies, a simulated steam engine. i'd love to rate it higher than 6/10 as technologically speaking its awesome, its just not good as a game. Interested to see what the power generation dlc soon brings

it made me indeed click ten times

the beginning is honestly not that bad, the endgame however feels increadibly pay to win with the microtransactions and "lootboxes", might finish that one day

the main levels are nice, also not too hard for complete newbies i'd say. I dont get why it got hyped so badly when it came out but solid rythm game overall, cant see myself playing alot of community made maps tho as it gets boring for me after a bit

the random story building, the pure content, all the interactions, all the communnity made stuff,.. is mindbogling. Only spent 10h in it so far but definitely have to put more into it once i have more time