Sorry etterna, sorry osu!mania, but this is the best 4k rythm game i have played. I never touched the 7k here as i'm a 4k only player, but quaver just feels so good to play, it has all the good sides from osu!mania and etterna combined with nearly 0 negatives. The community is awesome too, sadly its damn unknown compared to its competitors

Just came out, it's still in very early beta but has such an active playerbase and so much content for those early stages. One of the only survival games where i had fun surviving, also makes my automation heart happy.

Never really played any fighting games so its nice how easy it is to, at least get started here. Not a fan of having to buy certain characters with money but other than that a really fun game, absolutely love the open world mode where u slowly learn to fight with each master.

runescapes but as an idle game. Not even a bad idle game to be honest, the beginning is alot of fun and you quickly get a sense of achieving something, the endgame however (especially with the DLCs) is a heavy waiting simulator, even for idle game standards.

this in theory should be one of my fav, sadly i can't even say why i dont enjoy playing it at all, it just feels not right to me.

Unique gambling, deckbuilder RL. Wish i could rate this higher, if you know what you are doing you can get pretty overpowered but for me its sadly more a chore to play than to have fun.

Unique RL, get's boring too quickly if you wanna play more than ~2 rounds. Doesnt seem like it but weirdly skill based

The best idle game there is, 250h in and didn't even scratch the surface.

i have completed around 3000 level before the game got even "released". with the newer updates and the 1.0 release it just got so much better, the campaign too is done with so much passion, without a question one of my fav games.


all in all not a bad game but csgo was way better. also rip to all my achievment farming