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December 9, 2022

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God of War Ragnarok is a straight up continuation of the 2018 game. This isn't like Last of Us Part 2 which was a VERY different game from the original. The point it serves is to wrap up the story of the 2018 game, and hence it ends up being a very similar game. The first game was incredible so of course this game is as well!

While there are a lot of ways this game is better, this game feels a lot more bloated than the original to me. I found myself constantly wishing the game would just get to the frickin point. There are so many things they could've cut so that game didn't just drag on. Aspects of this game also feel a tad dated. There is so much Uncharted climbing and squeezing through cracks, which I really hoped we would've moved away from in this generation. But alas, they are still making these for PS4, so we are still yet doomed to slowly squeeze through cracks.

That said even when the dragged on, it was still largely enjoyable. There is a lot of fantastic spectacle and the combat is pretty gratifying. Probably the best parts are when Thor and Odin are on screen though, as their voice actors are so frickin' good. It's just unfortunate that you barely see them in the first 12 hours or so of the game. So yeah, Ragnarok is a pretty easy recommend for those who play 2018, but probably not for those who haven't.