While that I enjoyed Re:Chain of Memories, the card battle mechanics really had to ruin the phasing of the game, if it has gotten to the route of the game being a turn based RPG like Final Fantasy (the same devs that did Kingdom Hearts no big surprise lmao) and has gotten rid of the card battle stuff, I would be fine with it, but alas it was a fine game

Kingdom Hearts 2 is by far one of the best entries in the whole series that is a literal emotional rollercoaster ride, god the ending made me tear up

I remember discovering this game years ago when it was included in a demo disc on the Official UK PlayStation 2 Magazine and after getting to playing it years later, it was really fun

But one thing that really bothers me for playing through the whole game is the backtracking system for collecting the seven security cards to access the final level, that made replaying the previous levels very tedious

Birth by Sleep is a Kingdom Hearts game that I have really enjoyed from start to finish, having to playthrough Terra, Ven and Aqua's story to get all of those stories connected was something that I really like

And the Command Deck mechanic idea being introduced in the game was really fun to use, it's way more quicker and faster to understand with having to fully customize it in the pause menu, better than the whole card battle mechanic in Chain of Memories!

A really great collection that contains four games from across PS2 to PSP, and two remastered cutscenes from the DS games for both regular series veterans that wanted to replay the Kingdom Hearts games again and anyone that wanted to get into the series!

Also for those wanting to play Re:CoM in the collection, just skip it and watch the cutscenes on YouTube because I have really suffered playing it.

Hehehe dream hopping and funny spirits go brrrrrrr

A really neat tech demo, epilogue to Birth By Sleep and prologue to know what's to come next in Kingdom Hearts 3!

Much like what I have said in my HD 1.5+2.5 Remix review, it's a great collection for both regular series veterans of Kingdom Hearts and newcomers of the series!

Playing through the entire base game, plus the ReMind content that came included in the PC version made me glad that I have played through the whole series since November of this year!
The two worlds that I really have enjoyed in the game a lot are Toy Box and Monstropolis because I have grew up with both Toy Story and Monsters Inc.

Super Mario RPG is one of the best remakes I have ever played that Nintendo has made, with keeping everything from the original 1996 release intact, plus even keeping the infamous "Peach's ???" dialogue from the original, which is absolutely great to see!

Persona 5 Tactica is another Persona 5 spin-off title that continues more on The Phantom Thief's adventures in the Metaverse where it tackles on with the Turned-based tactics genre with games such as XCOM and Mario + Rabbids, and it's a really great title for anyone that is a fan of the Persona series and a fan of Tactics-based games (or even both)

This game actually makes me want to get some Nachos!

One of the most fun (and a bit short) 3D platformers I have played, and good god Orbo's speed is so fast but yet satisfying at the same time!

It's The Behemoth game that started it all

Well it's a good thing that I have waited for the 17 volumes that were available as DLC at the time to be added into the updated PC release when it came out on consoles.
But after playing through the whole game with skipping a few dialogue stuff so I don't have to play for far too long, looked up a walkthrough guide to get the good endings and just wanted to wait for Act 3 to come out... yeah I just stick and prefer the game's Point and Click Adventure style gameplay instead of a visual novel.

I want those 7.3 hours back, Hussie!!!