This game is actually good but it has done irreparable damage to public perception of this franchise and so called fans.

Most aggregiously monetised game I have ever played in my life and I wish I didn't put so much time into it.

Overhated by noobs, use your fucking quickstep for once!

Good remake in 85% of places. Needed more time in the oven though.

C'mon guys, the 3rd area is not that big of a deal, you go there twice.

The very very very best the new Yakuza games have to offer.

Most beautiful looking game I have ever played in my life matched with a beautiful ending.

Fun, but did not need a half-assed remake.

So funny that fans BEGGED for this to come to the west and when it did they brushed it under the rug

Played this game and nothing but it for like 4 days straight, fantastic even if I think certain parts of the story are lacking.

Interesting title but definitely the weakest out of the mainline Yakuzas, first time I've beaten a game that wasn't in English too.

This one stung, like really stung. I was so excited for it only to launch incomplete and it had now been 2 months since the last update.


Quite honestly this game is fucking garbage, like on god... but it gave birth to Bayonetta which IMO is a much better franchise in general!

First Bayonetta game I played and WOW it blew me away, blew me away so much I spent £40 on a new copy of 2 so I could get 1 + 2.

I love Violet!

True peak, and that remix of Fly Me To The Moon is PEAK VG OST.

Unfortunately this game is victim to the 2008 piss filter thing video games were obsessed with.

Replayed this franchise on Xbox in 2023 as I hadn't last done so since 2020, and wow these games are still fucking great. I had no idea I was getting myself into such a vast world with just this one off purchase in December 2019.

Contrary to what most people think, I think this a fine remake. I would still recommend you play both the originals and these though.