3 reviews liked by Smt_Mothman

one of my fav games of all time, it goes through such a powerful journey with Mae who in the end just wants her old life back. The art style is super unique and loveable, the music is like 10/10 and fits every scene perfectly, the story of the game too is maybe the best part of it all, there is a main part to the story but you have so many options that you could literally do everything or just do as little as possible.
Each character is very unique and you can pick and choose whether or not to hang out with them or not or make new friends, her main group of friends tho is the highlight of the game and getting to know each individual one personally feels really rewarding.
A lot of people may not get into it because it is extremely dialogue heavy with only some minigames inbetween but if you are looking for an emotional, cartoony, well-written video game this is the perfect thing.

The game controls like a nightmare and the combat is tragic but what can I say? The vibes vibed so hard that they carried the game for me.

Its a lot like rayman 2, with the finese of soul reaver 1 and without the handy gliding ability that would be so essential to this type of game, which is instead replaced by alice's superb savescrubbing ability.

I feel like my tastes in games have molded me in such a way that this game sits extremely well in my stomach, with its short length, janky controls and drastic shifts in difficulty. It also reminds me of jet set radio in the fact that every enemy in this game is a cunt.