So many summer nights and mornings with this and tiger woods 2008 on heavy rotation

Don't really need a sequel but need a new game with this energy

I remember buying this so I had a Tekken game for my dad's not realizing how much of a "downgrade" it was compared to Tekken 3 and I was a little embarrassed when I talked it up to my MK obsessed cousins

Got it for free with the Sony hacks 💜. Way over hyped but didn't have that many options for open world hero games other than prototype.

Missed the skyscrapers but the map changeup was probably for the best and was definitely polished.

Remedy keeps killing it with presentation. Still working my way through the final draft or whatever new game plus is called. Absolutely hate herald of darkness or anything that was designed to be easy choreography for lanky white guys like myself for tiktoks. Wouldn't mind a more action focused mode or spin-off like American nightmare where I can go a lil more John Wick the gunplay in this game is subtle and sick.

I tend to lean towards the black sheep games like Tekken 4

Troy Baker's Ocelot is easily the worst thing about this game not just for the boring performance but I can hardly tell the difference between him and Kaz to this day over the iDroid. Higgs is definitely a step up for that guy.

My brother's cousin Willie had every console and 3 gaming PCs in his basement and when he wasn't explaining Kingdom hearts lore or beating my ass in DOA 2 he was showing me the water physics of this game. I was obsessed.

Characters suck in this franchise should just get rid of them all together

Lol I thought this was a 1:1 port when I played this in 2009

Lol I thought this was a 1:1 port when I played this in 2009 accidentally wrote this for the other one

First game on steam. Free. Could barely run it on my HP laptop

Your friends will hate you for buying this instead of getting that last cod 4