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ResonanceJay finished Quake: Episode 5 - Dimension of the Past
Pretty great return to form for Quake honestly. Which is a weird thing to say about Quake but after Quake 2 and 4 I'm kinda ready to play something that feels even a little bit like Quake 1 again. Definitely could tell its a nostalgia trip shaped by people who have played Quake 1 over and over and have the entire system figured out but I didn't mind.


4 days ago

ResonanceJay finished Quake 4
Nothing really to say about this one, its just boring. Its nothing like what I like about Quake and its trying way to hard to chase trends of what shooters were like at the time. I can't say its actively bad its just, boring. Like pretty much nothing. It functions, the game design isn't terrible, its just nothing.


5 days ago

ResonanceJay completed Quake 4

5 days ago

ResonanceJay finished Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
It took me a long time to get around to this, and I'm so mad at myself for waiting. This is everything I could have wanted as a send off to the story that's built up over the Xenoblade trilogy. The party dynamics in this one are just as good as base 3's and the gameplay really refines what I liked about 3's combat system; even if it never quite reaches the heights 2's combat reached for me personally.

I am thoroughly amazed at how well a prequel story manages to work as the end to this era of Xenoblade. I don't want to get into spoilers because I think any Xeno fan should experience it for themselves but god it really honed in on the themes of the meta series as a whole up to this point and managed to make something beautiful both reflecting on everything that has come before.

Please play Future Redeemed if you have finished XB3, you won't be disappointed.


14 days ago

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