I swear this game was only available for like a year

Usually not a fan of tapping games but I’m a sucker for anything with Godzilla on it
And it was fun, really cool monster verity and some surprising deep cuts just wish it lasted longer

insert inflation joke here

While not my favorite Namco game Dig-Dug is solid and tons of fun, I’ve spent allot of time with this one
Cool designs and good music just a fun little time waster with allot of charm

Galaga my beloved

Probably my all time favorite Arcade game ever, the setting and designs of the ship and aliens are just so good
It’s kind of wild how more people know of this game than the first game, Galaxian, just shows how much of an improvement it was on the first game and the Shmup genre as a whole

Eat candy before it eats you

So I used to play the original game a ton on Newgrounds as a kid so it’s nice to play a new more enhanced version on mobile with tons of fun additions
There are microtransactions but you can totally complete the game without them, even the ads are optional it’s great!
Launcher games seem to be a dying genre only really living on though Angry Birds but if your into these types of games this is a must play (plus you won’t be bombarded with ads and in-game purchases like Angry Birds 2)

Window Shopping the game

Probably the second worst thing Nintendo put out on the Wii U that relies on Amiibo, it’s a neat concept but nobody wants to play a bunch of demos over and over again
Letting you play full games using an Amiibo would be awesome but Nintendo would never
Should’ve been a NES Remix Amiibo game

Bubsy is better

The game controls like an ice level which is fine sometimes but with the level design it’s just super annoying
The game has allot of good ideas but it’s bogged down by atrocious controls and boring/annoying level design
I guess play this if you like bland platformers?

Quake 3 type beat

Probably my favorite Outlast game (if you count a dlc as a separate game) since it’s super gnarly and gross, it’s right up my alley.
Gameplay is honestly pretty nerve racking, I feel the original Outlast is more of a waiting game while this one is a run for your life game.
Characters are fun and really messed up and it has a great story.

When the Apple is Bad

Pretty solid Shmup with funny dialogue and silly characters, the older Touhou games really hold up tbh, plus the music is great

I miss Reimu’s purple hair..

So this is just Breakout but like really good, very different than the later Touhou games but there’s still allot of elements in this that have become staples in the series
I say play this if you really like Breakout

What exactly is evolving in the formula here?

Pretty basic version of Tetris with fun multiplayer and admittedly neat modes, splash is the better 360 Tetris game but this one is still addicting and enjoyable. (plus it’s physical)

Probably the worst Kirby game?
It controls really bad, I feel like the Wii would have had a great port of this game but Nintendo is stupid
I played the switch port and the original since it was my first Game Boy game but the gyro controls are leagues better than the GBC motion controls, only problem is making Kirby jump still feels weird and is very unpredictable
Honestly skip this one or play it for the Dedede and Kracko boss since it’s the best things in the game, also one of the best Dedede fights in the series its actually allot of fun

Best Godzilla girl

Pretty bland top down beat em up with some really neat sprites, sucks Kiryu is only in the Japanese version though, also the box art being the one for Godzilla destroy all Monsters Melee is odd.

You can call me Handsome Guy

So this is just classic Mega Man but with the controls of the X series and I’m all for it, great music and bosses, fun levels, awesome story and corny cutscenes I love it
Yes Jump Jump, Slide Slide is awful, it’s probably one of the worst designed Mega Man stages ever tbh but it’s doable, it’s like the disappearing blocks in Ice Man and Magnet Man’s stages, super cheap and annoying but everything else makes up for it
I’ll forever love this game for blessing us with Dr. Wahwee

It’s like going back in time

This game is like a huge love letter to the original series and it’s great, the soundtrack is great Galaxy Man’s stage theme specifically goes incredibly hard
Plus you get to play as Protoman!! Love that guy

I feel like this game was super ahead of it’s time since it came out around the infancy of mascot horror games while being a parody of the genre itself way before stuff like Garten of Banban came out
At the same time it’s also a huge love letter to horror games with direct references to Clocktower and Amnesia and I think that’s what makes it so unique