Nice >:]

A more refined version of the first game that makes the old one feel incomplete (probably because it’s missing 2 Robot Masters) with even better music and iconic bosses, if you somehow haven’t played this and you like run and guns it’s a must

One of the best games in existence, it’s challenging, fun, and oozing with charm
The game has one of the best soundtracks on the Famicom too
Everything about it is great, yeah there’s some “retro game bullshit” but the more you play the more you’ll get use to it and Simon’s unique physics

They call him Rock because he’s really heavy

Probably the weakest of the original NES Megaman games solely due to the psychics being horrible and really bad enemy placement, the weapons and music are solid and it’s fun to play, definitely not the hardest game in the world but still kinda challenging just made more harder because of the jank

The best one

This is my personal favorite Megaman game because it has a solid story and introduces Protoman and Rush.
I think the soundtrack is also one of the best in the series, (Needle Man and the ending song are peak) and is the most fun to play, however Magnet Man’s stage can die, it’s the only level I think is completely unfair in its difficulty other than that though I think the game is perfect

Fun level design and bosses, though without the Spindash this game kinda blows
Sonic 2 is much better

Pretty much the perfect boomer shooter
DOOM 2 improves on everything wrong in the first game and introduces gaming greatest weapon: The Super Shotgun
I also think the music is better than the first, Into Sandy’s City is one of the best songs from the series period

A perfect 2D Kirby game with fun Gimmicks and a awesome selection of bonus games
I think it’s weakness is EX mode since it only changes like 2 bosses and it’s very repetitive but that’s kind of par for the course for all Kirby games

Just play Poyo Poyo or Dr.Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, this game is only worth it to see how weird and out of character Kirby’s dialogue is
For some reason it gets unplayable later on with the difficulty idk why

I’ve been playing this game since it came out and major updates aren’t very common (there’s been a whole section of the game not done since it released) but where the game now is great
It’s allot of fun and the gacha element dose suck but with free characters being given out from time to time and how easy it is to get high level characters I think it’s fine
Story is fun, I’m a huge Iron Maiden fan so seeing Albums as levels and characters from said albums is so cool
I’d say play it just for the crossovers if anything I feel like it has more love and care put into it than most mobile RPGs tbh
Also if your a Maiden fan you’ll love it, Up the Irons 🤘

A great survival horror with a super unique story and setting
I can’t really think of any horror games in a castle other than like RE4 and Eternal Darkness and even then the whole game isn’t just in a castle
I think the sanity mechanic is really cool but could’ve been fleshed out more, my biggest problem is how dark the game is, some parts of the game you will be walking around in the complete dark and it’s more annoying than scary
I also think that game is really easy and there’s a lack of enemies in some parts (though the water monster parts are the best and most tense)

I hate Eggplants

A super solid platformer that I feel gets overlooked often for its jank, like honestly I’d give it a higher score if it wasn’t for those Labyrinth levels and the Eggplant Wizards, other than that I think it’s pretty good, not enough vertical platformers out there I feel like it’s a good way to shake up the gameplay of a genre that’s usually played horizontal


I don’t play allot of visual novels but I really dig this one, great art style and audio design throughout
As someone who has Autism and struggles with going to a crowded store I can sort of relate to the main characters struggle with such a simple task as getting Milk (obviously she have very different problems than that but still) but it’s a very personal game, makes you sad, it’s a great little experience and I’m for sure playing the sequel

Frogs, Bugs, and Politics

I think it’s best to go into this game blind as it makes the surrealist humor more effective but gameplay wise the game is kinda boring and a bit of a slog at times, which is why I’m grateful they have a level select
If you like weird games this is for you, but if your more into gameplay than story than I recommend it

Hello, I like Money

I’ll give this to Nintendo, they re-created the jank that is claw machines in a virtual space perfectly
Horrible pricing and annoying load times aside, this was really cool and I wish more game consoles had this level of customization, sucks you can’t access it anymore

I miss movie tie in games : (

Super simple kinda bland puzzle game but every time you win Godzilla murders a MUTO so that’s cool