It’s a crime this game hasn't been ported to the Switch

A super fun Nintendo themed party game that also can be played single player, probably one of the most underrated Wii U games tbh
Really my only complaint are the reliance on gyro controls when in the Hubworld

I feel like this game gets overshadowed by the other Lisa games since it isn’t in that new Lisa collection and has never been re-released and that’s a damn shame because this is a really tough gut punch of a game that has allot of amazing metaphorical world building
Game play wise there’s not much to write home about but if your playing this it’s for the story
I’d say for sure play it if your a fan of the other games and haven’t played this one yet

Probably the worst controlling sonic game other than Labyrinth (which it shares allot with actually) yet you can sorta get used to the jank, music is good as always and the pre-rendered graphics are immensely charming
Bonus stages suck ass though, doesn't help the Saturn version uses the Half Pipe from Sonic 2
Bosses are really fun too, I’d say play it if your a sonic fan and you haven’t yet but there’s really no need to get all the chaos emeralds since Super Sonic was never implemented, just kinda dumb fun

Sort of the black sheep on the series as it have very little to do with the other games yet still feels like it exists in that universe
The story, presentation, atmosphere, voice acting, just everything in this game is amazing
The game gets called a walking sim allot and I get that but I think it’s a unfair assessment, there’s allot of fun puzzles and the story and dialog more than makes up for the lack of gameplay at times (which isn’t often)
This is definitely my favorite in the whole series, the story is just so good and disturbing I love it, really hope it gets mentioned in another amnesia game later down the line but I’m more than fine with it being it’s own thing

A solid short game where you don’t play as Godzilla
This has allot more in common with the old King Kong game as you play as humans during a Kaiju attack, I think that’s a perfect way to do a Kaiju game and honnestly wish we’d get more of it
The game is incredibly short as it’s just a teaser for Godzilla 2014 but if it was longer and more fleshed out I think it would’ve been amazing

NES game but 3D and online

Probably the best Excitebike game tbh, it controls really good and is a ton of fun to play, plus you can unlock costumes and stuff!
Best way to update the original, wish Nintendo would port it to a new console though

The art direction and aesthetic of Bioshock is truly unique and uncanny
As someone who is afraid of drowning I think the impending doom of rapture caving in on itself is terrifying
Really awesome fighting mechanics too, it’s so much fun

Probably the worst of the original DKC trilogy but it’s not that bad, bosses are fun, levels are fun (most of the time) but the game is held back by annoying gimmicks
I actually enjoy the useless collectibles since I like collectathons but I can see why people don’t enjoy it considering the absurd amount this game has
The game also has a kind of creepy aura too it, the giant saw levels and factory music really creep me out for some reason

I can’t believe they just threw Hatty into the ocean : (

Probably one of the best co-op platformers, really tight controls (aside from jumping off handlebars) and fun mechanics also tons of replayability with hard mode, encore levels, and Furbottom Features.
The game’s art and music is super good too, the hub world has a ton of funny details and world building if you stop and take it in.
But one of the best parts of the game is William Stamper’s performance as the Narrator and Cat Guards, extremely funny line delivery and comical timing.
If you haven’t played this game and you like platformers this is a must but the game is best played with a player 2.

Dog I’m never getting to Gryll

A dumb fun puzzle game with great music and a very big difficulty spike midway through, my score would be higher if there was more levels or a more lax difficulty increase because it gets near impossible at Dedede

Super Meat Boy in Hell

Genuinely one of the best horror platformers out there, amazing visuals and a great soundtrack
If you do play this I highly suggest the PC version as it includes three bonus games if you can solve the puzzles in the games files and solving them is super rewarding
I can’t recommend this enough


A perfect way to reboot a series
While I really want DOOM 4 to release DOOM 2016 being a remake of the very first game is fine and it came out great
I think this game gets put down allot since Eternal is so much better and fleshes out the gameplay to its full potential (similar to how DOOM 2 improved on the first game) but it’s still fun to go back too

A perfect blend of found footage and survival horror, the lore and characters are immensely interesting and the chase parts are super nerve racking
Love the part in the Male Ward chase where you see a room just filled with dead bodies to like wait height, great example of show don’t tell

We have Cave Story 2 at home

Pretty fun stealth game with characters from Cave Story, I like that it makes use of Santa’s name that’s kinda funny.
It’s a good time waster and 100%ing it can add some replay-ability, and at the low low price of free you can’t really go wrong.
Plus good Christmas games are a dime a dozen, I can see this being fun to play with friends around the holiday season.

Needs more horror

As a fan of the original Popgoes Arcade games I think this is an amazing update to them and fully fleshes them out, it retains allot of scares from the originals but with a new twist to fit the lore of Evergreen, although I do think it needed more scares other than that it’s a really fun RPG