6 Reviews liked by SpaceCowpoke

Animal Well really is a thing you need to experience with a controller in your hands and full focus because it is a living, breathing art piece that sucked me in. I bought this game 5 hours ago and I haven't put it down since. The way everything animated is like drinking cool water on a hot night. Refreshing.

Seeing the previews of this game, I thought "ok big youtuber videogamedunkey is firmly in his 30's and wants to expand beyond making shitposts and make money by becoming an indie publisher". I wasn't moved at all by any of the promotion for Animal Well. I am bored to DEATH of 2D platformers and this game only teased a pleasant art style which is not enough to make me care. Most 2D games all mostly play the same. I'm sleep.

Thing is I got 24.68 on my Steam Wallet, so why not give it a try.

It is a Metroidvania logic puzzler. There are no tutorials in Animal Well. You are left as to guess how you progress forward. It's not Baba is You go FUCK yourself hard. It is quite simple and natural gameplay that leads to bigger and bigger "ah-HA!" moments. The kind where you feel dumb and smart. Smumb. Darmbt. I felt like I was one of those things.

The gameplay mixed with the environments and ambient music just clicked with me hard. I was 45 minutes into the game after being cynical about the whole thing and my brain just snapped after a certain puzzle solution and I realized this game has a hidden power level of cleverness. It is so meticulously well thought out. It's not trying to reinvent the wheel. It just was catered for you to have a good time.

I recommend this game for everyone. I've been in a gaming slump where no new game releases has really excited me, but Animal Well is the game that pulled my brain out of that fog. Not saying it will do the same for you, but if you give it a shot, it just might.

It ain't as good as Hollow Knight, but this is right under that (so far) as a jaw dropping 2D game with content that keeps upping the ante in amazement.

Jamal Dunkey picked a banger to kick off his publishing venture.

At the first glance Xenogears is another JRPG from Squaresoft,one of the most successful companies in PS1 era. Before playing the game,my thoughts were like "Ok game uses a turn based combat just like most of its contemporaneous JRPGs, two kingdom fighting aganist each other for centuries in sake of fighting. We have a main character who doesn't remember some part of his past so writers can reveal it in late game to attract your attention to game after hours of boring turn based gameplay, and there is mechas to make combat more diverse. Or developers just love mechas. Probably the second.

In short, Xenogears looks like a PS1-era Final Fantasy title and heavily resembles FF7. After beating game, I can say my predictions were partially correct, but game is a lot more deeper than any main FF title I have played. Let's start with the story.(Review contains minor spoilers.)

JRPG Rule Number 1: Opening mission must include explosions,flames,dying innocent people. Xenogears isn't any different. We start the game with some text informs us about planet's current stage. After that we see the mechas,flames,explosions and dying innocent people but that scene lasts only a few minutes. It turns out it was a dream blah blah blah.And we are in a small village.No Midgar-like visually appealing enormous captial,no explosions,no fighting aganist fire creatures etc. What we have there is a small,ordinary village preparing for wedding of two young people and both are childhood friends of our main character. Then game wants me to do a fetch quest and I set off. And that's the start of future hero Fei Fong Wong's adventure! Nope. Fei isn't that type of hero says "Hello guys! World is in the grip of evil, but don't worry I'm here,relax!" everytime. Because Fei is like...I don't know. Even Fei doesn't know who he really is. At least at the start of game.

Without giving spoilers, I can say Fei has some kind of psychological illness. And this is highly tied to Fei's character development,story and Grahf,one of the antagonists in game. After completing the fetch quest,something big happens and game's tone goes dark and goes darker and darker until very end of the game. What happened to Fei at this point and similar events happens later in the game, connects perfectly. Fei's character development is more than satisfying and enough to like and empathize him.

After the big and dark event, Fei leaves the town and sets his journey to find other companions because he realized battles are boring and lasts too long. Companions join and leave your party at certain points depending on course of the story just like other RPGs. I think it is fair to divide companions to two group. Elly and others.

Elly or Ellehaym von Houten, is a young officer in Gebler military and her role in the story is as big as Fei's. We all know finding well written characters in a JRPG is hard. Finding well written female characters is even harder. Elly is one of the rare well written female JRPG characters. She isn't there because main character needs a girlfriend. It isn't hard to predict Fei and Elly's will have a relationship later in game, but that relationship grows naturally and doesn't exist only to exist.

Fei and Elly are easily make it into my favorite JRPG characters list, but I can't say the same for rest of the characters. They are neither bad nor special. They are OK, mostly.

Citan and Bart are likable characters and have significant impact on story. Citan is the old,wise,mysterious guy tells you what to do at first half of the game. Bart is a more interesting in my opinion. If Xenogears were to have a generic protagonist,it would be Bart. He is brave(and sometimes reckless),kind hearted,helpful and would do anything for his friends and people. Yeah he is also a prince. It wouldn't be an JRPG without a companion from royal family.

And the there is Rico,Billy,Chu-chu,Maria and Emeralda. They are generic JRPG characters have only one personality trait and they don't have significant personality progression through the game. They all have one cool scene and a little backstory, but nothing more.

What game really shines isn't side characters.It is Fei,Elly and antagonists/villains. Grahf,Ramsus,Krelian and Miang are all very well written antagonists. It is hard to talk about Grahf and Miang without giving spoilers, but I can say they complete the story very good. Yeah that's what makes Fei,Elly and villains so great. They aren't here for no reason, they all have a significant role in story and their motivations are reasonable. Ramsus is the cliche pawn of the greater evil who fights you in middle of game, but I don't remember feeling sorry for any other pawns. As for Krelian, he is easily one of my favorite villains in video games. His writing is top notch, and ending scene made me fall in love with him.

Game is successful at making you feel despair. Dark tone and psychological/theological metaphors oftenly reminded me Nier Automata.But unlike Automata, Xenogears's metaphors are more than just giving philosopher names to bosses. They actually have a role in story and game successfully give positive messages in a dark world. Game reminds you even in the darkest times, there is people like "man of the sea" to cheer you up.Game has a few key messages and they are nicely integrated throughout game.

I have seen some people doesn't want to play the game because they think Xenogears focuses on psycology and religion too much, but that's from being correct. Yes, game contains a lot of psycholohical and religionic references,but they aren't very hard to understand and no matter how dark it is still a JRPG has parts that will make you smile. Thanks to its lively and entertainting characters, game does a good job at dispelling all that negativity comes from events in main story. Characters can bu fun at moments like this, but they don't become too goofy like other JRPG characters. They maintain their believability thanks to their well written dialogues.

As for infamous Disc 2 problem,yeah first half of Disc 2 is a disaster, but story and the writing saves the other half.

And then there is gameplay... I wish gameplay was good as story and characters. It is not bad, but far from being good. Game has a turn based system pretty boring because of its "combo system". Instead of just attacking,you make some key combinations like cross cross circle,circle triangle,cross cross cross triangle etc. When you do a combination enough, you unlock a new "move". Now that combination makes more damage. So throughout the game you enter a dungeon,spam these combinations,learn moves before you confront boss,and spam moves aganist boss. And repea that for other dungeons. Only thing brings variety to combat is mech fights. Mechs need oil to attack and use abilites, so you need to do some resource management. Mech fights aren't some kind of game changing feature but it is nice to have.

Game's visuals are nice and soundtrack is beautiful. Unfortunately we hear some tracks a lot in the game but it wasn't a big problem for me.

Long story short, Xenogears is a very good JRPG with excellent story,great cast of villains,very good protagonists; (Elly and Fei) although affected negatively by mediocre gameplay, good but repetitive soundtrack and a half baked Disc 2, it still deserves a try


Combat is amazing, bosses are generally great, game looks gorgeous, the new tracks are not special but thanks to the old tracks we have a banger soundtrack. But at the same time story sucks. Especially dialogues are pretty lame and areas feel like a movie set than interactive and explorable places. Pc port is lazy and too expensive. Still Final Fantasy VII Remake is one of the best jrpgs of last gen.

The continued story of the Sumio Mondo that gets devoured in the island by Sundance Shot in Flower, Sun, and Rain. Takes place after Arcueid's Good Ending. This story was written by Sadgeta, the author of Yume Nikki Tactics: The War of the Eagles.

Pretty good for what it is actually. An incredible variety of game modes, a diverse roster (not just, as the number of fighters, but also their playstyles. Some of them attacks with their strength, some of them uses their speed and some of them uses their techniques like clinching, and I must say if you don't learn how to counter a clinch you're done, in terms of button prompts it's very easy but in terms of managing your cardio it's pretty fun and tricky for some fights againts tough opponents like Brock Lesnar), solid career mode (albeit being too repetitive and having a slow and unpractical UI) and, of course, kick ass gameplay, but it would be good to have more combos and the ability to get behind the opponent I'm not an UFC guy so I have no idea how many combos they could've add without hurting the realism but I think getting behind the opponent was a must, it could've ended up as a op move that breaks the game but I think with tricky button combinations and clever risk/reward balance it would be a move that makes the game much more fun.

I played the PSP version of this game and I know that it's a downgraded port, but just like SvR games, the lack of commentary makes these games too calm for their genres, but SvR games are much more arcadey than this, so you get used to them much faster. Unlike SvR, this game is based on a sport that is not scripted. There are no over-the-top punches or kicks, so you need to understand if the punch you landed was strong or not, but it's not easy in this game. They tried to use the frequency of crowds' voice but they just go nuts too easily, so it doesn't work as intended. Also, the animations sometimes feels great but sometimes feels like they're just touching each other instead of hitting. Overall the communication with player via gameplay is awful and it's pretty sad because these types of games are one of the genres that pumps up dopamin relatively high, biggest sign of this being how it made me feel when I knocked some random fighter off with a punch that I didn't expected to knock him out...Come to think of it this sentence is the wrapped up version of this review you don't expect things to happen but they do and when they do they're great but when they don't it's just lame and discouraging I'm sure that all of these things are much better in home console versions but this is a review for the PSP version.

The visuals are just amazing for the PSP. The character models looks so weird in portraits but they look good in fights. I understand why they didn't use hand drawn portraits or photos of fighters, but they could've put the models a bit further, just to hide their toy-looking faces because with shitty looking UI all the little hype you have for the match vanishes away. Also, these visuals come with a cost. There are loading screens everywhere in this game. They're not too long but definitely annoying.