this is a game I wouldn't be able to explain why I like it as much as I do. the matches are short and sweet, competitive is really satisfying, the colors look amazing, the weapons are fun to use. honestly, it has no business being as good as it is but I'm glad. shout out to my fellow roller mains

Persona 3 is an adventure. the characters grow on you way too much to the point where it feels like they are real people you could know, the personas have amazing designs with the meaning behind their names and lore for each character, and combining that with the social link feature it makes you balance time on what you should do. should you climb Tartarus or spend time with some student who wants a milf gf. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing and compliments the city-like vibe where the story takes place. this is defiantly one of my favorite games of all time

a masterpiece of emotional story-telling that can only be described as funny and way too fucked up. my favorite thing about this game has to be how it uses its dark sense of comedy to make the world an even darker place so when the time to be serious comes it makes it much much more serious and sad.

I absolutely love all the characters the party interacts with through their world that's unlike any other. every single enemy, place, person, or even things were unique and very VERY quirky but despite all the quirkiness the game still manages to tell an amazing story.

I like it when the monkey roll its very nice

Beat this shit in one night. Still proud as fuck

Literally the best game of all time. Absolute goat

This game is for crackheads and oh my god I got a bad case of it

When you got no internet this game is a godsend but any other time it’s the worst

Not as good as the original but still fun

Such a fun rpg to play every Halloween


An outstanding and truly unique game. Everything from its art style to its characters are amazing practically everything is pulled off really really well