3 reviews liked by Speaker4TheDead

This is the greatest game i've ever played, every aspect of this game is incredible.

The writing is immaculate, I was hooked on the story the entire game, I think the way each act is structured makes each one feel wholly unique. Even outside the main story the companions are some of the most well written and compelling characters in any game I've played. Everyone one feels like a real person with real struggles and complex personalities.

The combat is incredibly fun too. There are so many ways you can tackle each combat encounter. Wanna shove people into chasms? you can do that. Wanna surround a group of enemies with explosive barrels and detonate them? also possible. Even with all the goofy ways to kill enemies the actual mechanics if you want to fight the old fashioned way are well polished and super satisfying with a lot of personal expression.

Finally, the role-playing elements are downright amazing. Your choices a lot of the time do really matter, you aren't railroaded into playing a specific way most the time, you can side with the bad guys and in the future the story reflects that. There are also a staggering amount of encounters and even bosses you can bypass or get an advantage on by talking, it made playing through the game as a bard feel really cool because the smooth talker part of my bard was reflected in the gameplay.

this game is completely fucking terrible but when i was 15 in 2004 i was such a closeted gay mess for inuyasha that i played through this game start to finish three times back to back

tears of the kingdom has some stiff competition