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I thought this seemed kind of interesting, and I really did want to like it. I went in assuming it was "Ace Attorney but you're the judge", an expectation which was quickly dashed. Initially I was receptive to the idea of a game with more open-ended mystery writing, where you have incentives to betray your own conscience, but after a while the game mostly being meter juggling reputation management started to get to me, but I was prepared to settle in for the long haul regardless.

At this point, I assumed the game was done introducing new mechanics wholesale, which set the stage for the revelation that on top of this already weirdly elaborate onion-layered premise, there is also a vaguely mobile game-style city-builder/territory management thing, which all your 20 different reputation meters feed into. I dropped it immediately at that point; maybe that part is actually good, but I felt kind of lied to about what sort of game this was going to be, and the game already felt like it was having enough of an identity crisis as it was. Maybe I'll take a second stab at it someday but I was mostly just tired by my initial experience with the game.