32 Reviews liked by SpeedyAttorney

I introduced one of my friends to this series several months ago and yesterday he sent me pics of him eating burgers with a png of maya on a monitor claiming it was a date what have I created



Lol this game destroyed me from the inside out, no promise it’ll do that to everyone but if that’s what happens when you play something that touches on trauma you’ve gone through. Speaking of that, this game handles trauma in an incredibly mature and careful way that can only be told in a game. It does have flaws it isn’t perfect but no game is. Genuinely a masterpiece. I’m happy to have experienced it

has hatsune miku and banger songs in it. that's it automatic 5 stars.

"But she started a war"
And she looked sexy while doing it.

Felt better playing this than when I did jerking off to Hanekawa

An absolutely wild time with a full four stack and one of the most fun multiplayer platformers out there. Great memories made and lots of screaming at the screen. Highly recommend if you've got a pack of friends that are down to finish the game in an afternoon or so.

Genshin Impact Fun Facts! The age of consent is 18 years old!

Anyone who says this game is ass either has the attention span of a goldfish or hasn't played the game and that isn't up for discussion. Card loadouts are a really cool idea even though the variety of loadouts are mostly suboptimal besides 1 or 2 on each character. Character designs for the most part are cool and the ones that are similar to overwatch characters are all 100% better and you goldfish peanut brain stupid fuck kids who say otherwise don't play video games and better finish up that english paper for mr. carter or you're gonna fail the class

It's funny how easily misinfo can spread, isn't it? This remake did not "kill" AlphaDream, at least, not by itself. The studio was a sinking ship ever since Paper Jam, and this game is just the point where it fully submerged. A "NEW" Bowser's Inside Story was a last-ditch effort to get back on track, but by that point it was just too late.

If you don't like Eggman land its unironically a skill issue.

mfs will read fate but can't get a girl to stay the night

Pisses me off because where is my internet...



Of all of the games I have played, this is certainly one of them.