A bite-sized piece of fun with a delightfully whimsical aesthetic. Constant bits of witty dialogue and goofy puzzles kept me entertained as I whizzed through its two hour runtime. Cute but over in a jiffy.

- Charming, bright color scheme and graphical style that can sometimes be a breath of fresh air with its uniqueness
- Main gimmick is entertaining
- Dialogue is silly without relying on cringy, outdated references

- A serious lack of variety in puzzle design (although the runtime is very short, as soon as I began to feel bored the game was over)
- Story structure was also repetetive, with bits of dialogue and gameplay being exchanged one after another

What is there to say that hasn't been said about this game. A beautifully atmospheric, wonderfully designed classic that will never show its age due to its timeless puzzle design and witty dialogue. One of my favorites.

Pros (limiting myself to three or I would be writing forever):
- Meticulously designed puzzles that blend seamlessly into each other
- Witty dialogue and a mysterious air imbue every second of the experience, forming an extremely effective atmosphere
- An underrated aspect of this game is the pacing, not a wasted second, not a second where I felt the game was dragging on

- None

I honestly don't see the hate for this title. Sure, it's nothing amazing but it serves its purpose. Although it can be a bit boring at times, there are moments of tension scattered within the playtime. All in all, it's alright.

- Monster design is cool and genuinely scary at times
- Atmosphere is built effectively, with lore being sprinkled throughout, keeping the player going
- Chase sequence was thrililng and a genuine high point

- Way too short, I'm talking half an hour here
- Puzzles were tedious, unoriginal, and not engaging in the slightest
- The noise scares were cheap and way too loud