this game is actually not that bad. gunplay feels solid enough. ideas are very ambitious. just not executed as well as i feel the team even wanted.

2.5 stars without the fixed camera easter egg..
3.5 with the fixed camera easter egg.

Zack and Wiki Make A Porno

Shatow man is stunningly good, especially for it's time. i kept asking myself "how is this game as good as it is?"

i dunno but it is.

my all time favorite fighting game. it's not even close.


aesthetically it's one of the best PS1 revival games ever made. however i played this game the day it came out and was a buggy mess that was literally impossible to finish due to it's technical faults. it's been patched to oblivion since then and it works a lot better, but i can't wash that first week of the games release out of my mouth, unfortunately ):

freaking awesome. it may be a bit edgy but idk the gunplay feels so good in this.

not quite as bad as people make it out to be but it ain't good

funny as a meme. borderline objectively terrible as a game.

i firmly believe there are no good sonic games.

you've never beaten this either.

i cannot get into this no matter how much i try.