incredibly linear for a metroid game but it doesn't matter to me. fine tuned to a razors edge. fun as fuck and one of the few games that i used to be able to speed run (back in the day.)

I firmly believe that there are no good sonic games.

Remedy has made "shitting the bed in the 3rd act" into an art form.

the first impressions of this game are incredible but as a video game it's really fucking mid. the story is god tier but jesus i will never play this again because i find the actual game play so middling.

just can't get into this one. don't know what it is :(

this game is like a fine wine that has aged EXCEPTIONALLY well but when you drink it you realize that there are some ants in your glass.
"this wine is delicious but... are there ANTS in here?"

the DEFINITION of a mid video game. unbelievably disappointing.

genuinely terrible. it's a mediocre story that's told pretty poorly

i 100% this game on the GC. it's not good

legit one of the all time best shooters.

One of the peak of Rockstars mid era games. amazing for the first half, but teeters quite hard in the later half.