Honestly, I don't understand the Fandom praise it gets. Maybe it's because I was coming from New horizons but it felt very flat and a tad boring. Was confused on what to do.

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Honestly, doesn't deserve the hate it gets. I love the new formula and it's genuinely very fun.
I fell in love with the story, especially the ending with the professor and the reveal of him being a robot. I genuinely cared for most of the characters.
However, I found that the world quickly became stale, I'd recommend if you adventure the map you do so without using your ride on pokemon. The world will feel bigger.

An absolutely stellar game. It's kept me hooked for hours. The sprites are charming, and you can tell a lot of love was put into it.

Pretty okay game. The hordes are nice, but the story feels very sub-par. Honestly, not that super memorable story wise. I'd play again to refresh the story though, give it a second chance!

First animal crossing game and I'm impressed! I'm disappointed at the lack of support from Nintendo though, after the credits feels very stale and boring. I really love the game but I've left it alone for 6 months before, and then for a another 4 months.

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Fun game, this is the first splatoon game I've played, the map layouts and the single player was fun. The final boss fight was a tad easy, but that's expected. Callie and Dj Octavio's theme doesn't miss, and this boss fight utilizes various different aspects like ink rails, but most importantly the rainmaker.