Loved the setting and exploring the areas. replayed three times just to experience the locations again. final boss took me forever to beat on first playthrough hardest difficulty had to knife it to death, and I was saving a lot of my ammo that was my only issue with this amazing game

loved the story and world. so many secrets and interesting revelations to find by interacting with the notes and posters around every location. exactly what I expected and more from a horror puzzle game.

some of my favorite gameplay off all time. only game stuck in my head days after playing it. The story was just filler to me personally. wouldn't mind another sequel with a mediocre story just want more of this gameplay

love this games movement and levels. so much content to playthrough. one of my favorite platformers

keep coming back to this franchise when I am in the mood for a platformer. extremely Replayable short game that can be moderately difficult or insanely difficult depending on what you prefer. you can play every level or skip hard levels by finding other doors to go through.

Gurumin has Fun to search for secrets. fun levels with rankings that can go as high as S+++ . good voice acted cutscenes with fun characters. Gurumin is nice and short probably less than 10 hours to beat. took me 17 hours to get all gold and platinum medals on normal difficulty. hard difficulty unlocks after beating the game on normal

finishing dmc 3 made me want to come back and finish Gurumin after I started it more than a year ago one of my all time favorite games now.

dmc 3 has stylish combos and challenging bossfights. liked watching Vergil and Dante interact. cutscenes were badass and loved the corny dialogue and jokes from Dante. but some enemies were a pain to deal with and ruined the flow for me. I had to completely change my playstyle to fight them one example is the angels them being able to fly through walls wasted a lot of my time.