Perfect artstyle with awesome concept and hard bosses. Love when the game is centered about secrets.
If zelda and fez had a beautiful furry baby.

Kirby transitioned to 3D without even noticing a change, wow thats impressive.
Its kirby but in 3D, with gorgeous art style evoking nature in a post-apocalyptic world.
Loved the levels, bosses, hard post-game and always awesome lore

not a lot into pokemon but apreciated an easier game, discovering the pokemons and trading with a friend.
But honestly, there isnt a lot to this game, not worth 60$


Great game from start to finish, will come back to play some runs

my friends love this game, always have it on my switch and itsa blast, up to 8 players

I mean just play Enter the Gungeon idk


perfect hidden gem for the ds, lots of well made levels and difficulty

always taking this game when going out

nice experimental gameplay, pretty short but entertaining for sure

Spite of the price, its the best gameplay a mario tennis game ever had, well made and fun to play with friends. Short single player story.