One of the all time best wrestling games, with a great showcase mode and the legendary Undertaker Streak mode.

I have a soft spot for this one, it's one of my first wrestling games and I went to town on the Stone Cold Steve Austin showcase mode. A stacked roster with some great DLC to boot.

One of the more forgettable entries in the WWE 2K series. Regrettably got rid of showcase mode and had a weak Hall of Fame DLC. Had some major glitches too.

A little biased here, but this is the one I really started creating a ton of CAWs on. Banger soundtrack. Otherwise it was alright.

Highlighted by a fun Daniel Bryan-centric showcase mode, 2K19 packs a little more punch than its predecessor.

A return to form after the disastrous 2K20. Rey Mysterio showcase mode is a banger. Not perfect but a massive improvement from even 17, 18, or 19.

A filler arcade-style game released while 2K22 was wrapping up development. Nobody asked for this.

One of the most nostalgic games in my collection.

Wish I could have liked this more but an eh story mode mixed with the game crashing so often it corrupted my save file...that kinda dampers things.

A decent Banjo Kazooie tribute but I got sick of it after a while. Doesn't really keep you invested.

"Here's the deal, Airto. You give me information and I won't send you to immigration."

Absolutely one of the worst PS games there is.