20 reviews liked by StarLotus

for a game played mostly on the toliet, it is pretty decent!

The levels I made in Mario Maker when I was 11 years old are better than these

Made my eldest son cry and made my wife tell me to fuck off about 4 times in one game.

This is my first mario party game and I don't really understand why it receives so much hate. Had a blast playing it with my brother :)
If I had to name a flaw, then it has to be lack of content
Nintendo released this game and immediately abandoned it.

I'm still not sure why they decided to fundamentally change the Mario Party formula with the car, but honestly... it's not terrible. 9 still has some really good minigames, and the single player is decent. The car makes each board go a lot faster, which helps with this as well. I liked the boss battle mini-games a lot.

This game isn't bad at all, people are just salty because it's different. Is the car mechanic worse than moving separately... absolutely. The minigames are quite good and the boss games are very enjoyable. The skill might be the lowest in the series thus far, but it's still worth playing. Don't let the idiots who bash the game for simply being different affect your enjoyment.

There's a lot of hard game that are know for that out there. Cuphead, Dark Souls, Celeste... and this one.
But, what mades a game have a good hard dificulty? Well, the answer is that a good hard dificulty must require ability.
But this? This doesn't require ability, this is just pure luck! If you put the best gamer out there to play this game he would still failing cause this game is designed terrible. The graphics are the same as the original Super Mario Bros, the lore is the exact same too!
People pray this game only because is a classic and/or because is just hard, but they ignore how unfair and boring this game is.
At least is better than Ghost 'n Goblins

This looks more like space ship game... pew, pew, pew!
Good ending still hard to get...

The first Touhou game to match the series modern identity as a bullet hell shooter, Touhou 2 is a fun time with excellent sprite work.

The first shmup in the Touhou series. Still a long way to go before they got great.