Genuine 0/10 game I don't have a single nice thing to say about it

This is simply a game that'll separate the boys from the men

it's terrible, but funny to play with friends

this game is so damn boring i couldn't stomach anymore than the first 2 levels

i like pac-man's personality in this game, but other than that it was painfully boring and extremely tedious. at least now that i beat it i never have to play this snoozefest again

masterpiece, gotta do a 3rd playthrough at some point

when i was a stupid kid i got really mad at this game and kicked a huge ass hole in the wall, my mom wasn't very happy about it

i have problems with this game, but overall it's pretty alright i mostly enjoyed my time with it

pure definition of a love hate relationship

gaming will never surpass the peter griffin beat em up levels

i love beating this game as fast as possible whenever i'm bored and have nothing better to do

without a doubt one of if not the best 2d platformers ever made, ubisoft please actually do stuff with this ip for once