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Stefanus finished Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts
I found this DLC to be painfully mediocre to bad. The quests aren't fun and mainly consist of running around an empty wasteland of a map, even more of a wasteland than the Mojave Wasteland actually. I did not like Zion whatsoever, I thought it was a bland area and frustrating to navigate. The enemies are simply annoying and don't offer anything special. The story feels unfinished and cut short. The only part of this DLC I actually enjoyed is probably Joshua Graham, I love his dialogue and always tried to get every bit of lore out of him.

Overall, not a fan.

1 day ago

Stefanus completed Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts
I found this DLC to be painfully mediocre to bad. The quests aren't fun and mainly consist of running around an empty wasteland of a map, even more of a wasteland than the Mojave Wasteland actually. I did not like Zion whatsoever, I thought it was a bland area and frustrating to navigate. The enemies are simply annoying and don't offer anything special. The story feels unfinished and cut short. The only part of this DLC I actually enjoyed is probably Joshua Graham, I love his dialogue and always tried to get every bit of lore out of him.

Overall, not a fan.

1 day ago

1 day ago

Stefanus earned the Replay '14 badge

4 days ago

7 days ago

Stefanus is now playing Dead Cells

12 days ago

12 days ago

Stefanus backloggd Dead Space

12 days ago

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