One of the best FPS campaigns ever.

Every mission tells its own story that eventually leads up to one of my favorite endings of all time.

Very clunky movement and combat but the takedowns & quick-time-events sorta make up for it in my opinion. The boss fights are pretty good too.

I played the first mission of this game like 8 or 9 years ago and completely gave up on it, it was pretty fun to actually complete the game this time.

Great all-around Marvel game. The combat & puzzles are really fun. It would be a full 5/5 if it weren't for them blue women who teleport.

All around solid game. Character development of the team is really great and the story is actually interesting. I just wanna know how Bad Company's story continues!

Some of the sequences where you just fight enemies are incredibly drawn out and get boring after a while.

The choice of 3 different endings is pretty cool though, even if they don't have a real impact on the resolution.

Great game. I used to play it all the time with my dad when I was younger so this was a pretty nostalgic playthrough. Only downside is that the story's pretty short.

this is the world longest game.

This game is very repetitive. If you've played it, you know what I mean. However, the stealth aspect was surprisingly fun and that's what kept me around.

The field of view is so damn low that I had to sit all the way back in my chair in order to not experience motion sickness.

Great game otherwise!