I bet she's awesome at giving hugs

Love these beautiful ladies. I don't know anything about Xenoblade.

I'd say this character borders on parody of lame RPG reps but parodies are clever

Minus one star because they're not Crash

D'ya think he's compensatin for somethin Donkeh?

Really thrives in its accessibility, and some of the best Kirby bosses and side content. That post game is bananas.

My favorite Marvel superhero, Amingo

This is the game everyone remembers Donkey Kong Country 2 as

If you quit this game you probably love your mother in law

Could use a few more characters, I dunno

This is the product that made me love video games when I was like three

The best compliment I can pay this game is that it is precisely what I imagined the blanks my imagination had to fill in when playing the 2D Mortal Kombat games are like

Trophy data suggests ~75% of players quit this game after losing to Sean and they missed out on a truly exceptional experience both in gameplay and aesthetic set piece.